Research projects

You searched in School of Law School of Law

Current projects

Title Funder Start date End date
Professionals and Professionalism in International Criminal Justice 1 July 2023 1 December 2029
ESRC Vulnerability and Policing Futures Research Centre Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2022 30 April 2027
Connected Data Analytics Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2022 30 April 2027
The Choreography of Consent: experiments in dance/law research Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 September 2024 1 March 2026
GreenAWARE: Greenspace Access, Wellbeing, and Resident Equality Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 June 2024 31 January 2026
Legal Entitlements and Problem-Solving (LEaP) Cerebra 1 January 2016 31 December 2025
Policing and community resilience in the context of climate change Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 June 2024 31 May 2025
Policing, vulnerabilities and domestic abuse: victims, perpetrators, interventions Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2023 30 April 2025
Making it to the Registers: Documenting Migrant Carers’ Experiences of Registration and Fitness to Practice Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 March 2023 28 February 2025
Inclusive Public Space: Law, Universality and Difference in the Accessibility of Streets 1 January 2019 31 December 2024
In-silico trials of targeted screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm using linked healthcare data 1 May 2022 31 October 2024
Investigating Unexpected Death: Values and Attitudes in Coronial Autopsies BA / Leverhulme Small Grants 1 April 2019 1 October 2024
Exploring Student Experience of On Campus, Online and Hybrid Delivery 1 July 2022 30 September 2024
IcARUS: Innovative Approaches to Urban Security EU Horizon 2020 1 September 2020 31 August 2024
TRACTION: Transnational Labour Constitutionalism: Strategic Litigation and the Constitutional Protection of Work Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 August 2022 31 July 2024
Disproportionality: Exploring the Nature of Ethnic Disparities in Sentencing through Causal Inference Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 August 2022 31 July 2024

Past projects

Title Funder Start date End date
A Professional Register for Probation Practitioners: Opportunities and Challenges Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 16 October 2023 30 June 2024
Domestic Abuse Service Providers and their Stories Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2023 30 April 2024
Q methods study of vulnerability Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2022 30 April 2024
Towards a minimum policing standard Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2022 30 April 2024
Co-designing community resilience to online child sexual victimisation Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2022 30 April 2024
County Lines Policing and Vulnerability Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2022 30 April 2024
Understanding and preventing ‘cuckoo’ victimisation N8 Policing Research Partnership 1 April 2022 31 January 2024
International Law as a Profession: (De)Constructing the Identity of International Lawyers 1 May 2021 1 January 2024
Reinforcers or reformers: an exploration of how legal educators perceive their role and its relationship with the legal profession following the introduction of the SQE Socio-Legal Studies Association 1 January 2023 1 January 2024
Lawyering for International Criminal Justice 1 October 2018 31 December 2023
U-LEAD - University of Leeds East Asia Disability Rights Forum 1 January 2018 31 December 2023
Towards an evidence-based understanding of student careers ambitions and needs: the case of criminology 1 July 2021 21 December 2023
Understanding the geospatial and contextual patterns of rural domestic abuse: an exploratory study 1 September 2021 1 October 2023
Re-counting crime: New methods to improve the accuracy of estimates of crime ESRC (Secondary Data Analysis Initiative) 1 October 2020 4 September 2023
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Digital Governance European Commission 1 September 2019 1 September 2023
Fostering safer parks for women and girls in West Yorkshire and beyond through multi-agency collaboration, knowledge exchange and the co-design of research-informed guidance 1 September 2022 31 August 2023
Vital Circulations: A framework for understanding social dynamics in and beyond a pandemic 1 July 2021 30 June 2023
Socio-legal Trajectories in Germany and the UK: Cultures, Actors and Institutions 1 July 2021 30 June 2023
MOdify Drivers’ behaviour to Adapt for Lower EmissionS (MODALES) EU Horizon 2020 1 September 2019 31 May 2023
Safer Parks for Women and Girls 1 January 2022 31 March 2023
CRITiCaL - Combatting cRiminals In The CLoud Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) / Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 June 2015 28 February 2023
Security for sale in modern Britain: security provision, ensembles and cultures, 1785 - 1995 Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 December 2020 28 February 2023
Investigating Unexpected Death: Values and Attitudes in Coronial Autopsies BA / Leverhulme Small Grants 1 April 2019 28 February 2023
Co-POWeR: Consortium on Practices for Wellbeing and Resilience in BAME Families and Communities UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) 12 February 2021 11 February 2023
Strengthening in-house lawyer ethics 1 September 2018 1 January 2023
Evaluating the Operation of Malta's Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act 2015: To What Extent Has it Enhanced the Bodily Integrity of Intersex Infants? BA / Leverhulme Small Grants 1 January 2020 1 January 2023
Encounters between welfare professionals and citizens 1 July 2021 1 January 2023
Everyday Challenges to the Rule of Law: The Case of Civil/Criminal Procedural Hybrids Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Leadership Fellowship 1 October 2019 31 December 2022
Enhance driver behaviour and Public Acceptance of Connected and Autonomous vehicLes (PASCAL) EU Horizon 2020 1 June 2019 30 November 2022
CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry (CONSOLE) EU Horizon 2020 1 May 2019 31 October 2022
Application of Competition Law in Technology Markets Philip Leverhulme Prize 1 September 2018 31 July 2022
Making, Unmaking, Remaking? Professional Identity and Practice in Probation in the Aftermath of the Transforming Rehabilitation Reforms 22 May 2022 24 April 2022
Convenient constructs: How chief police officers in England and Wales understand the right to exercise power. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 October 2019 31 March 2022
Is informed consent to LGBTQ+ ‘conversion therapy’ compatible with UK and International Human Rights Law? 1 December 2021 31 March 2022
Change, continuity and crisis in the legal profession: the role of gender 1 October 2022 1 March 2022
Reducing the unanticipated crime harms of Covid-19 policies UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) 10 June 2020 9 December 2021
Legal Cultures and New Regional Policies towards Forced Migrants 1 December 2020 30 November 2021
Transitions through university: Exploring expectations and motivations of undergraduate students Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence 1 September 2020 31 August 2021
INBOTS: Inclusive Robotics for a Better Society EU Horizon 2020 1 January 2018 30 June 2021
Defining Freedom of the Press : A Cross national examination of press ethics and regulation in ten European countries Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 May 2018 3 June 2021
Understanding the Moderate Drinking Students of Generation Sensible Funded by a small grant from the University of Kent 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
Co-evolution of Facebook’s Content Policies & International Instruments Facebook 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
Boosting Growth through Strengthening Investor and Creditor Protection in China: How China Can Learn from the UK experience Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Global Challenges Research Fund 1 May 2017 21 February 2021
Innovation and the application of knowledge for more effective policing HEFCE 1 January 2015 31 January 2021
Turing Fellow - Professor Wall Alan Turing Institute 1 October 2018 1 October 2020
Turing Fellow - Dr Birks Alan Turing Institute 1 October 2018 1 October 2020
Data Justice in Mexico’s Multiveillant Society: How big data is reshaping the struggle for human rights and political freedoms Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 October 2018 30 September 2020
Weight Stigma and Anti-Discrimination Law: Examining Attitudes Towards Weight as a Protected Class Harvard Catalyst 1 October 2019 30 September 2020
'Lurking' and 'loitering': Historic Approaches to Policing Suspicious Behaviour in Britain and their Contemporary Resonances Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 October 2019 30 September 2020
Goals and Purposes of EU Competition Law: What Does the Data Say? Konkurrensverket (Competition Authority, Sweden) 1 September 2019 31 August 2020
Tracking Children in their Best Interests: electronic monitoring in three European juvenile justice systems (TCBI) European Commission 1 July 2018 30 June 2020
Policing Children and Families: A Study of the Police Response to Child-to-Parent Violence N8 Policing Research Partnership 1 May 2019 30 April 2020
Access and Benefit Sharing in Practice: Community, Science and Policy Darwin Initiative 1 April 2017 30 March 2020
EMPHASIS - EconoMical, PsycHologicAl and Societal Impact of RanSomware [Ransomware and Cybercrimes of Extortion] Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) / Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 April 2017 31 December 2019
Hitting them where it hurts: The history of development of Civil Recovery powers under the Proceeds of Crime Act Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 June 2017 31 December 2019
Mobile Solutions to the Mexican Kidnapping Epidemic: Beyond Elite Counter-Measures Towards Citizen-Led Innovation Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 12 August 2018 31 October 2019
Understanding Organised Crime and Terrorist Networks TAKEDOWN European Commission 1 September 2016 1 September 2019
Shale Gas Development : A benchmark review of the regulatory Framework Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) 1 March 2019 1 September 2019
TAKEDOWN - Understand the Dimensions of Organised Crime and Terrorist Networks for Developing Effective and Efficient Security Solutions for First-line-practitioners and Professionals European Commission (Brussels) Horizon 2020 1 September 2016 31 August 2019
Exploring Agent Computing for Understanding Police Demand Alan Turing Institute 25 February 2019 24 August 2019
Emerging technology and Big Data analytics: Realising the potential of Automatic Number Plate Recognition N8 Policing Research Partnership 1 May 2018 31 July 2019
The Leeds Parks Fund: Developing a model for charitable giving to parks Big Lottery Fund, Heritage Lottery Fund and Nesta 1 August 2018 30 June 2019
Academic network of European disability experts (ANED) European Commission 1 January 2008 6 May 2019
The spaces of mental capacity law: moving beyond the binaries Independent Social Research Foundation 1 January 2018 31 December 2018
Tackling Selection Bias in Sentencing Data Analysis National Centre for Research Methods (ESRC) 1 October 2017 31 December 2018
Business Judgment And The Courts Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 October 2016 30 November 2018
TNOC Transnational Organised Crime in the 21st Century Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 October 2017 1 October 2018
Exploring the impacts of Body Worn Video in Incidents of Domestic Abuse N8 Policing Research Partnership 1 May 2017 1 May 2018
The future prospects of urban parks: The life, times and social order of Victorian public parks as places of social mixing Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 November 2015 31 October 2017
Markets in Policing - ESRC Seminar Series Economic and Social and Humanities Research Council (ESRC) 1 March 2015 1 October 2017
Tracking people: controversies and challenges Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 October 2016 30 September 2017
Policing Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies N8 PRG Catalyst Fund 1 June 2016 1 August 2017
Policing and Crime Control in the Victorian City 1 August 2014 1 June 2017
Realising Resilience: An Evidence Based Approach to Embedding Resilience in the Curriculum 1 January 2016 1 January 2017
Long-term developments in jihadi militant ideology and its transnational impact 1 January 2015 31 December 2016
Identifying and Modelling Victim, Business, Regulatory and Malware Behaviours in a Changing Cyberthreat Landscape 1 September 2013 30 September 2016
EUPILLAR (European Union Private International Law: Legal Application in Reality) 1 May 2015 30 August 2016
Examination of Transactional Avoidance in the Context of European Insolvencies 1 April 2015 31 July 2016
Security Rights and the European Insolvency Regulation Economic and Social and Humanities Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2014 1 May 2016
Creativity and Effectiveness in the Use of Electronic Monitoring as an Alternative to Imprisonment in EU Member States 1 May 2014 30 April 2016
Study on Substantive Insolvency Law 1 April 2015 1 January 2016
Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture 1 January 2012 31 December 2015
Special Adviser to the Independent Reviewer of the Terrorism Legislation 1 January 2012 1 December 2015
An Exploratory Knowledge Platform for Policing: Exploiting Knowledge Assets, Utilising Data and Piloting Research Co-production 1 November 2014 31 October 2015
Access to Justice for Children with Mental Disabilities 1 May 2013 30 April 2015
Reforming the European Insolvency Regulation 1 April 2013 1 April 2015
Spaces of Indigenous Justice 1 February 2013 28 February 2015
Pre-charge Bail 1 February 2011 31 December 2014
European and International Equality Law 1 October 2007 31 October 2014
Economic and Social Constitutionalism 1 January 2007 31 October 2014
Governance and Legitimacy in the EU 1 January 2007 31 October 2014
Taxation and Moral Regulation 1 September 2013 30 September 2014
Economic and Social Integration in the EU and Beyond – Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Jean Monnet ad personam chair) 1 September 2011 31 August 2014
Assessing the Impact of Circles of Support and Accountability 1 March 2010 30 June 2014
Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies: European Policy Analysis – ‘Sustainable Agriculture’ 1 March 2014 31 May 2014
Exploring ‘New’ Normative Hybridity in European Industrial Relations 1 March 2014 31 May 2014
Industrial action and the peace obligation on the internal market in Europe 1 April 2010 31 May 2014
Evaluating EU progress in implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the EU Disability Strategy 1 January 2013 1 August 2013
Medical Practitioners, Adolescents and Informed Consent 1 January 2011 28 February 2013
Special Measures in Rape Trials Economic and Social and Humanities Research Council (ESRC) 1 November 2010 31 January 2013
Docketing Pilot 1 November 2011 30 November 2012
Forensic Identification Frontiers 1 September 2009 31 August 2012
The Third Sector in Criminal Justice 1 October 2010 30 June 2012
Practical Impact of EU Equality Directives in Italian and UK Employment Law 1 January 2011 31 December 2011
Fundamental Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Persons with Mental Health Problems 1 July 2010 30 November 2011
International and Comparative Criminal Justice 1 June 2008 31 July 2011
Credit and Debt: Protecting The Vulnerable In Europe 1 April 2008 1 March 2011
Terrorism and the Law Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 January 2009 31 December 2010
The Impact of Anti-Social Behaviour Interventions on Young People 1 July 2008 30 September 2010
Economic and Social Constitutionalism after the Treaty of Lisbon "an Interdisciplinary Perspective" 1 September 2008 31 August 2010
Internationalisation of Secured Credit Law: the UNCITRAL experience 1 October 2008 1 June 2010
Exploring the Influence of Courtroom Questioning and Pre-Trial Preparation on Eyewitness Accuracy Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 June 2009 31 May 2010
The Future of Forensic Bioinformation 1 September 2008 31 December 2009
The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism as a New Technique for Settling Disputes in International Law 1 November 2008 31 July 2009
Governing Through Anti-Social Behaviour 1 October 2007 31 July 2009
Assessing Deviance, Crime and Prevention (CRIMPREV) 1 July 2006 31 July 2009
Reform of the Human Rights Act 1998 1 May 2009 30 June 2009
The Orientation and Integration of Local and National Alcohol Policy 1 April 2007 30 April 2009
Rescuing Corporate Reorganisation: a transatlantic evaluation Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 February 2007 1 February 2008
The Ultimate Objective of the Corporation 1 April 2007 1 January 2008
Police National Legal Database 1 January 1994 31 December 2004
Bradford mapping research: service provision for vulnerable groups in contact with the police Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2022
Partnerships for Cultural Change: Reverse Mentoring in higher education and the legal profession Michael Beverley Innovation Fund 1 October 2022
Towards an understanding of the limits of collective violence during the 2011 English riots 1 March 2014 Ongoing
Equality and non-discrimination: EU and UN law and policy 1 September 2014 Ongoing
Dirty Assets: Experiences, reflections, and lessons learnt from a decade of legislation on criminal money laundering and terrorism financing Ongoing
Transition, Progression and Attainment from non-traditional educational pathways Ongoing
Review of Legislation and Policy Guidance relating to Adult Social Care in Northern Ireland 1 January 2014 Ongoing
Lawyers in Society - 30 years on
Internationalising the Curriculum and Student Experiences
Intellectual Property and Biotechnology 6th European Framework Programme in Research and Development - REFGOV (Reflexive Governance in the Public Interest) project; White Rose Collaboration Fund - IPBio Network
The Governance of Chinese Listed Companies Ongoing Ongoing
Digital Learning – Resistance and Creativity
Derivative Actions in Corporate Law Ongoing
Deliberating About Human Rights
Board Accountability in Corporate Governance Ongoing Ongoing