Our experts

Centre for Innovation and Research in Legal Education

Headshot of Lydia, Josh, and Suzanne, the 3 CIRLE directors.

Find out who is involved with research in the Centre for Innovation and Research in Legal Education and get in touch.

Management Team

Director: Professor Suzanne Young
Director: Professor Professor Lydia Bleasdale 
Deputy Director: Dr Joshua Warburton

Academic team

Get in touch with one of our academic members of staff involved with the Centre.

Our academic staff are award-winning scholars who are routinely recognised for their expertise in legal and criminal justice education. As fellows and senior fellows of the HEA, CIRLE experts are committed to researching and disseminating excellent practice in student education. Some notable achievements include:
•    Oxford University Press Law Teacher of the Year Award 2018Professor Lydia Bleasdale 
•    University of Leeds Early Career Excellence in Teaching Award 2021 Rachael O’Connor 
•    National Teaching Fellow 2022Dr Nick Cartwright 
•    University of Leeds Sustained Excellence in Teaching Award 2022Dr Suzanne Young
•    University of Leeds Sustained Excellence in Teaching Award 2023Dr Steven Montagu-Cairn

Media contacts

If you require a School of Law expert, contact the University of Leeds Press Office via email pressoffice@leeds.ac.uk or telephone +44 (0)113 343 4031.