Our impact
Centre for Law and Social Justice

Law and Social Justice supports scholars, activists, organisations and practitioners who are interested in and engage with questions about the existence of inequalities in welfare and social justice.
Our work considers the extent to which law can address these inequalities and help ensure that resources are shared more equitably. Further, we address the extent to which members of society have access to welfare provisions and access to justice according to their need, both in a legal and broader civil society sense.
Those working within Law and Social Justice have established international reputations across a range of areas including disability, health, access to justice, family relations, transgender rights, legal theory, reproductive rights, and human rights.
Research generated within the group interrogates the entrenched nature of inequalities and the evaluative frameworks and regulatory provisions (within law, public policy, and civil society norms) that aim to measure and promote welfare and social justice.
Centre aims
Our over-arching strategic aim is the production of high-quality impactful research which addresses law’s potential to promote social justice. This is underpinned by a strong, supportive culture for all its members.
The Centre strives to achieve four objectives:
- To produce internationally excellent and world-leading research: We will produce world-class outputs on the intersection of law and social justice;
- To create impact: Drawing directly on the research expertise of the Centre, we will contribute to legal and policy developments locally, nationally and internationally, and generate positive social change through broad public engagement;
- To share knowledge: We use our research and that of others to inform teaching and knowledge sharing, not only within the School’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, but also those outside the University including those who face injustice;
- To develop and protect an inclusive ethos: We encourage, expect and value contributions from members at all career stages.
Some examples of Centre for Law and Social Justice members’ recent engagement activities include:
- Dr Sam Lewis gave a public talk hosted by the Department for Work and Pensions and LSSI on child to parent violence (17 March 2021)
- Professor Luke Clements, Dr Beverley Clough, Professor Anna Lawson, Professor Oliver Lewis and Dr Maria Orchard wrote a blogpost for the Human Rights in Action project for on the impact of the UK Human Rights Act on persons with disabilities (17 March 2021)
- Professor Luke Clements gave a presentation at the Parent and Carer Alliance C.I.C’s child protection webinar on disability needs assessments and parental blame (17 March 2021)
- Colin Gregory (PGR) wrote a blogpost for the ECHR Blog on the European Court of Human Rights judgment of VCL & AN v UK (8 March 2021)
- Dr Chris Dietz was interviewed by Newtral on his research on Danish gender recognition legislation (3 March 2021)
- Professor Luke Clements, Dr Beverley Clough, Professor Anna Lawson, Professor Oliver Lewis, Dr Maria Orchard and Dr Stuart Wallace contributed to Human Rights in Action’s submission to the Independent Human Rights Act Review (3 March 2021)
- The International Disability Law Clinic’s report on the availability of audio recording equipment for Personal Independence Payment assessments was referenced by a Disability News Service news article (18 February 2021)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke participated the Discrimination Law Association’s annual conference to discuss activist lawyers, discrimination and positive action (17 February 2021)
- Professor Luke Clements co-produced legal advice to Baroness Jane Campbell’s proposed amendments to the UK Government’s Domestic Abuse Bill (8 February 2021)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke wrote a blogpost for the Yale Law Journal on a public health approach to tackling racism (5 January 2021)
- Dr Beverly Clough wrote a blogpost for the Open Justice Court of Protection Project on best interests, Article 8 rights and the Court of Protection (21 January 2021)
- Professor Fiona Smith gave evidence to the UK Trade and Agriculture Commission on food-labelling labelling and animal welfare (January 2021)
- Dr Carrie Bradshaw was invited to participate in the UK Government Office of Science’s working group on Covid-19 Areas of Interest, on the subject of land use. The final report references her past and ongoing work (July 2020-January 2021)
- Professor Anna Lawson’s co-authored written evidence, with the Oxford University Disability Law and Policy Project and the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, was cited multiple times in the House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee’s Sub-Inquiry ‘Unequal impact? Coronavirus, disability and access to services’ Fourth Report of Session 2019–21 (15 December 2020)
- Professor Fiona Smith wrote a blogpost for N8 Agrifood on UK agrifood trade policy after Brexit (14 December 2020)
- Professor Michael Thomson wrote a blogpost for the Vulnerability and the Human Condition Initiative on bioethics and vulnerability (14 December 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke wrote a blogpost to Routledge’s Identities Blog on the stigma of being ‘Black’ in Britain (9 December 2020)
- Professor Oliver Lewis spoke on chronic illness, disability and mental health at a book launch event hosted by Doughty Street Chambers (3 December 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke participated in a round table event on race equality in the legal profession hosted by The Inner Temple (2 December 2020)
- Professor Oliver Lewis participated in a side event of the 13th session of the United Nations Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to discuss advancing the rights of persons with intellectual or psychosocial disabilities (1 December 2020)
- Professor Anna Lawson presented at the International Summit on Legal Professionals with Disabilities hosted by the Indian Law Society Law College and its Equal opportunity cum Enabling Cell (1 December 2020)
- Dr Mitch Travis co-authored a response to NHS England’s proposal to form a clinical commissioning policy for gonadal and genital surgery for infants and children with differences in sex development (December 2020)
- Professor Anna Lawson gave a talk on inclusive public space as part of UK Disability History Month (26 November 2020)
- Professor Luke Clements gave a talk to Action for Carers Surrey on carer assessments and social care funding (26 November 2020)
- Professor Luke Clements gave a talk to Carmarthenshire Carers on carers’ rights and the law (26 November 2020)
- Dr Mitch Travis was invited to speak at the General Medical Council’s LGBTQ+ network on the management of ‘Disorders of Sex Development’/intersex variations (24 November 2020)
- Professor Luke Clements gave a talk to Action for Carers Surrey on parent carer assessments and social care funding (23 November 2020)
- Professor Anna Lawson and Dr Maria Orchard spoke on RNIB Radio about their research on inclusive public spaces (19 November 2020)
- Dr Amrita Mukherjee chaired a public discussion on climate, race and Indigenous peoples hosted by the Priestley Centre, YouTube recording (11 November 2020)
- Professor Fiona Smith spoke at the Agricultural Industries Confederation annual conference ‘Agribusiness 2021’ on UK trade negotiations and the agri-food supply chain (11 November 2020)
- Professor Oliver Lewis presented at a webinar on the law and human rights for families experiencing difficulties visiting loved ones who are autistic and/or have learning disabilities (11 November 2020)
- Professor Oliver Lewis contributed to a Sunday Mirror article on the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown in care homes (7 November 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke spoke about her experience as a member of SAGE SPI-B at the University of Leeds Alumni event (2 November 2020)
- Professor Michael Cardwell discussed trade and food standards at a Beanstalk Global webinar (29 October 2020)
- Dr Ana Laura Aiello appeared on a Cerebra Tea Break Talk to discuss the Legal Entitlements and Problem Solving (LEaP) project (28 October 2020)
- Dr Stuart Wallace contributed a post for the UK Constitutional Law Association blog on the rule of law in the UK (27 October 2020)
- Professor Fiona Smith co-authored an article on the World Trade Organisation for the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission’s Trade Unwrapped series (15 October 2020)
- Professor Oliver Lewis presented at a webinar and contributed to the production of an online guide Right2Visit.info on the law and human rights for families experiencing difficulties visiting loved ones who are autistic and/or have learning disabilities (14 October 2020)
- Professor Fiona Smith discussed the UK’s food and international trade as part of the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission’s Trade Unwrapped initiative. YouTube recording (13 October 2020)
- Professor Fiona Smith gave evidence to the UK government’s Trade and Food Standards Commission about the impact of international trade law on consumers’ perceptions about food quality (12 October 2020)
- Professor Gerard Quinn was appointed UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (7 October 2020)
- Professor Luke Clements supplied Sir Ed Davey with legal advice on the rights of disabled people and their families in relation to Covid-19 in a letter to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, subsequently quoted in MSN UK and The Mirror (6 October 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke spoke about Equality Law as part of The Inner Temple’s Reader’s Lecture Series (5 October 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke contributed to the panel ‘The Eclipse of Black Women in Anti-Discrimination Law’ hosted by the Women’s Forum Employee Resource Group , Fried Frank LLP (October 2020)
- Professor Fiona Smith co-authored a piece on food and international trade for the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission’s Trade Unwrapped series (29 September 2020)
- Dr Mitch Travis gave a talk on intersex rights at the LGBTQ+ session of the Leeds Law Society’s Diversity and Inclusion Conference (29 September 2020)
- Professor Luke Clements’ co-authored report ‘Why Coronavirus Act social care easements breach the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)’ formed the basis of the question asked by Sir Ed Davey at Prime Minister’s Questions (16 September 2020)
- Professor Anna Lawson’s co-authored written evidence, with the Oxford University Disability Law and Policy Project and the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, was cited multiple times in the UK Parliament Human Rights Joint Select Committee Inquiry ‘The Government’s response to Covid-19: human rights implications’ on the Government’s legal duties with respect to the rights of people with disabilities (14 September 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke gave the keynote speech at the 4th Black and Minority Ethnic Early Career Researcher Conference ‘Navigating the Academic Space’ (on YouTube, 14 September 2020)
- Dr Craig Purshouse featured on Radio 5 Live discussing the UK Government’s plans to ban conversion therapy (10 September 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke spoke about her experience as a member of SAGE SPI-B for the Women at Leeds Network, University of Leeds (2 September 2020)
- Professor Luke Clements co-authored a Legal Action Group blogpost on ombudsmen’s responses to the COVID-19 pandemic on disabled children and their carers (September 2020)
- Professor Fiona Smith joined the Executive Board of the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission’s Trade Unwrapped group (September 2020)
- Dr Jen Hendry was consulted by JUSTICE on the topic of hybrid procedures (September 2020)
- Professor Anna Lawson was consulted by the UK Government Cabinet Office Disability Unit on a new Disability Strategy (September 2020)
- Professor Oliver Lewis published multiple blogposts on Covid-19’s impact on the Mental Health Act, disability and international human rights, the Court of Protection, NHS Trust visits policy, children and international human rights, World Health Organisation Europe policy and care homes, WHO guidance on face masks, children’s rights to live in a community, the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee, Covid-19 deaths in care homes, the Yew Tree hospital inquiry, and human rights bodies, disability and Covid-19 (March-September 2020)
- Professor Luke Clements and Dr Ana Laura Aiello co-authored a blogpost for Special Needs Jungle on care assessments for autistic children, based on their Cerebra Legal Entitlements and Problem Solving (LEaP) project report (11 August 2020)
- Professor Ian Cram appeared on RT News to discuss the relationship between a motion of no confidence and the Fixed Terms Parliament Act 2011 (8 August 2019)
- Professor Luke Clements, Dr Ana Laura Aiello, student researchers from the Cerebra Legal Entitlements and Problem Solving (LEaP) project along with Priya Bari and Tansy Hutchinson published a report ‘Unlawful restrictions on the rights of disabled children with autism to social care needs assessments’, with coverage by the BBC (5 August 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke gave a keynote speech and authored a blogpost for the Public Law Project’s online conference ‘10 Years of the Equality Act: Where are they now?’ on the subject of systemic discrimination. (24 July 2020)
- Professor Fiona Smith’s oral evidence to the House of Commons International Trade Select Committee ‘The Covid-19 pandemic and International Trade’ was referenced in the First Report of Session 2019-21 (23 July 2020)
- Dr Jen Hendry co-authored a SLSA blogpost on the US Supreme Court case McGirt v. Oklahoma (591 U.S. ___ (2020)) (21 July 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke was interviewed by the Parish Church of St Michael, Highgate, on seeing racism as a virus (21 July 2020)
- Dr Stuart Wallace submitted written evidence to the UK Parliament Human Rights (Joint Select Committee) Inquiry ‘The Government’s response to Covid-19: human rights implications’ on the Government’s obligations to investigate the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) to NHS staff and care workers under Human Rights law (17 July 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke wrote a blog for Microbiology Society on discrimination as a virus (6 July 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke was interviewed by China Global Television Network’s The Agenda on discrimination as a virus (5 July 2020)
- Professor Anna Lawson co-authored the policy report ‘An Affront to Dignity, Inclusion and Equality: Coronavirus and the Impact of Law, Policy, Practice and Access to Services on People with Disabilities in the United Kingdom’ (video summary of contribution, media coverage by Disability News Service) (2 July 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke was hosted by The Trouble Club discussing racial issues and discrimination law (29 June 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke featured on BBC World Service Newshour on the use of statues to understand history (15 June 2020)
- Professor Luke Clements gave an online talk to Cerebra on direct payments for disabled children and young people and their families (12 June 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke contributed an opinion piece to the Yorkshire Post on racial discrimination and Covid-19 (9 June 2020)
- Dr Carrie Bradshaw and Professor Michael Cardwell contributed written evidence to the UK Government’s Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee’s Inquiry ‘Covid-19 and food supply’ (5 June 2020)
- Professor Luke Clements presented at a Social Work Action Network webinar on Covid-19’s impact on human rights and adult social work legislation in the UK (3 June 2020)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke was appointed to the UK Government Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies’ Scientific Pandemic Influenza subgroup on Behaviour in order to contribute expertise on the impact of Covid-19 on people from black, Asian and ethnic minority (BAME) and the policies envisaged to control it (June 2020)
- Professor Anna Lawson participated in a Disability Rights Advice TV episode on reasonable adjustments (28 May 2020)
- Professor Anna Lawson presented at a YouTube event on disability law and policy in the context of Covid-19 hosted by the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights (26 May 2020)
- Professor Anna Lawson co-wrote a blogpost on Covid-19, Human Rights, disabled people and citizenship (14 May 2020)
- Professor Fiona Smith gave oral evidence to the UK House of Commons International Trade Select Committee on the effects of Covid-19 on international trade (recording here) (30 April 2020)
- Professor Oliver Lewis contributed written evidence to the UK Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights Inquiry ‘The Government’s response to Covid-19: human rights implications’ (23 April 2020)
- Professor Oliver Lewis wrote a Community Care blogpost on the impact of Covid-19 on care homes (21 April 2020)
- Dr Craig Purshouse was cited in the High Court Tindall & Anor v Thames Valley Police & Anor [2020] EWHC 837 (QB) (7 April 2020)
- Dr Sarah Brown contributed to the Westminster Business Forum ‘Next steps for consumer credit and the retail lending market - regulatory reform, innovation, and protecting vulnerable customers’, on consumer credit in the context of Covid-19 and the protection of vulnerable consumers (2 April 2020)
- Dr Stuart Wallace featured in the YouTube series #HRvsCOVID with episodes covering Human Rights Law, the Council of Europe, the State’s positive obligations under International Human Rights Law, and migrants’ rights (April 2020)
- Professor Ian Cram wrote a blogpost for Dublin City University’s Brexit Institute on Brexit and the Speaker of the House of Commons (22 March 2019)
- Professor Luke Clements published multiple blogposts on the Coronavirus Act 2020, effect of Covid-19 on disabled people and their carers (March 2020)
- Professor Luke Clements co-authored a response to the Coronavirus Act 2020 with the Disability Law Service (March 2020)
- Dr Mitch Travis appeared on the BBC One’s Inside Out and was quoted in the accompanying news article on medical best practice for people with variations of sex characteristics (17 February 2020)
- Professor Anna Lawson delivered the keynote presentation ‘International Consultation on Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ at the Indian Social Institute, Delhi (17 January 2020)
- Dr Mitch Travis gave the talk ‘Disorders of Sex Development’ and medical ethics: Results from a Freedom of Information exercise’ to fourth year medical students at the University of Hull (15 January 2020)
- Professor Fiona Smith featured on the Politics Briefing panel of the 2020 Oxford Farming Conference alongside the UK Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the President of the National Farmers Union and the CEO of Friends of the Earth. Coverage of the conference appeared in the Yorkshire Post, Horticulture Week, Vet Record, Farmers Guardian and on BBC Radio 4’s Farming Today (8 January 2020)
- Dr Craig Purshouse was cited for his co-authored work on the Court of Appeal decision in XX v Whittington Hospital NHS Trust in the oral argument before the Supreme Court (18 December 2019)
- Research by Professor Hilary Sommerlad and Dr Tatiana Tkacukova (Birmingham City University) on advice given by McKenzie friends was quoted in the Law Gazette (11 December 2019)
- Professor Luke Clements and Dr Ana Laura Aiello and the Cerebra Legal Entitlements and Problem Solving (LEaP) project team published a report on the complaints procedures for disabled children and their families (November 2019)
- Dr Mitch Travis gave the talk ‘Who are Intersex people and what do they want?’ at Café Humanite, a local coffee and discussion group in Ilkley, West Yorkshire (29 November 2019)
- Professor Anna Lawson gave the talk ‘Walking – Through the lens of Human Rights and equality’ at the SUSTRANS For Everyone conference (20 November 2019)
- Professor Luke Clements and Dr Ana Laura Aiello hosted a conference on “Legal Entitlements and Problem Solving for Disabled People, their Families and Carers” during Cerebra’s Legal Entitlements and Problem Solving week (19 November 2019)
- Dr Mitch Travis spoke at the Equality Network’s Intersex and Variations of Sex Characteristics Gathering on Intersex Solidarity Day (8 November 2019)
- Dr Stuart Wallace co-authored a blog post for the Oxford Human Rights Hub on the UK Ministry of Defence’s consultation on legal protections for armed forces personnel and veterans serving in operations outside the UK (4 November 2019)
- Dr Mitch Travis’ co-authored research was cited by the UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights in its Background Note on Human Rights Violations against Intersex People (1 November 2019)
- Dr Mitch Travis’ co-authored work was cited by the Law Society podcast to mark Intersex Awareness Day (24 October 2019)
- Dr Stuart Wallace co-authored a response to the UK Ministry of Defence’s consultation on legal protections for armed forces personnel and Veterans serving in operations outside the United Kingdom (October 2019)
- Professor Iyiola Solanke was invited to join the Universities UK (UUK) Advisory Group on Racial Harassment in Universities (9 October 2019)
- Professor Luke Clements and the Cerebra Legal Entitlements and Problem Solving (LEaP) project team published a report on Direct Payments for Disabled Children and Young People and their Families, which was featured by the Disability News Service (25 July 2019) and on BBC Radio 4 (14 August 2019)
- Dr Craig Purshouse's research with Kate Bracegirdle (University of Bristol) on surrogacy was cited by the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission in their joint consultation paper Building Families Through Surrogacy: A New Law (6 June 2019).
- The International Disability Law Clinic published a report evaluating the need to provide recording equipment in Personal Independence Payment assessments and tribunal hearings to facilitate accessibility in the UK (June 2019)
- Dr Mitch Travis’ co-authored work was cited by Egale, the Canada Human Rights Trust in its document “65 Reasons”: The Rights of Intersex People in Canada (26 February 2019)
- Professor Andrew Francis met with the Commission on Justice in Wales to present an overview of university, private and public partnership working in Leeds (21 November 2018)
- Dr Mitchell Travis was cited in a comparative report by the European Equality Law Network on trans and intersex equality rights in Europe (20 November 2018)
- Dr Carrie Bradshaw participated in an EU expert panel for the EU-funded research project Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain (REFRESH) on food waste to discuss policy options to influence and reduce food waste on the consumer level (19 November 2018)
- Dr Amanda Keeling was invited to speak with Leeds City Council’s Adult Social Care Senior Management Team about the new Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill (31 October 2018)
- Professor Hilary Sommerlad, with T. Tkacukova and M. Gee, launched the website Linguistic and Socio-legal analysis of online forums for litigants in person as part of their British Academy/Leverhulme funded project, featured in industry press Family Law (18 October 2018), Stowe Family Law Blog (22 October 2018) and Legal Futures (30 October 2018)
- Dr Chris Dietz, Dr Mitch Travis, and Dr Fae Garland (University of Manchester) submitted a response to the government consultation on Reform of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (19 October 2018)
- Dr Mitchell Travis was invited to a roundtable with the Government Equalities Office to advise them of issues around intersex in relation to a forthcoming intersex consultation (17 October 2018)
- Anna Lawson acted as Special Advisor to the House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee on the Government’s response to the Committee recommendations on Disability and the Built Environment (9 October 2018)
- Professor Hilary Sommerlad has been appointed a member of the Expert Working Group on Brexit, Immigration and Administrative Justice, Public Law Project (October 2018)
- Dr Ilias Trispiotis presented his research on the role of European human rights law in countering Islamophobia in Europe at the European Parliament (26 September 2018)
- Lydia Bleasdale and Professor Andrew Francis presented on ‘Millennial Lawyers: Challenges and Opportunities for Law firms in Leeds’ at Leeds Law Society (September 2018)
- Professor Anna Lawson participated in the first Global Disability Summit in London co-hosted by the International Disability Alliance, UK Department for Interntaional Development and Government of Kenya (24 July 2018)
- Dr Emma Wincup was co-opted to the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs Recovery Committee to support their programme of work on drug use and vulnerability and presented evidence at an evidence-gathering day based on her work on young people, drug use and homelessness (3 July 2018)
- Dr Sam Lewis presented her research to practitioners in an invited address to the N8 Policing Research Partnership (PRP) conference on Improving Policing Research and Practice on Child to Parent Violence and Abuse (11 June 2018)
- Jen Hendry presented her work on ‘Everyday Challenges to the Rule of Law: The Case of Civil/Criminal Procedural Hybrids’ at Liberty (June 18)
- Dr Sam Lewis submitted a response to the Government consultation on the Domestic Violence Bill (May 2018)
- Dr Craig Purshouse’s research on the duty of care of the police was cited by Lord Reed in the UK Supreme Court in Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire[2018] UKSC 4 at [43] (as amended) (8 February 2018)
- Dr Carrie Bradshaw is currently an ESRC Parliamentary Academic Fellow, working with the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology to support scrutiny of Government interventions to manage food waste in the context of broader food security challenges, particularly against the backdrop of the UK’s forthcoming departure from the EU (March – December 2018)
- Professor Luke Clements delivered a key note address on his research concerning ‘Continuing Health Care Funding and End of Life Care’ to the Annual Conference of the Association of Palliative Care Social Workers at the University of York (13 September 2018)
- Professor Luke Clements’ co-authored a report on ‘Disabled Children and the Cost Effectiveness of Home Adaptations’ cited at length in the House of Commons Briefing Paper ‘Disabled facilities grants for home adaptations’ (22 July 2018)
- Dr Mitchell Travis was invited to a roundtable with the Government Equalities Office to advise them of issues around intersex in relation to the Gender Recognition Act consultation (17 July 2018)
- Professor Luke Clements delivered a key note address concerning the legal protection of carers from experiencing adverse ‘associative discrimination’ at a Euro-carers Conference in Modena, Italy (5 June 2018)
- Professor Hilary Sommerlad was consulted by Caroline Newman, Chair of The Law Society’s Ethnic Minority Lawyers' Division and founder of the African Women Lawyers' Association about research into sexual harassment in the legal profession and barriers to Black women lawyers (April 2018)
- Professor Luke Clements delivered a key note address concerning the potential for law reform relating to the rights of unpaid carers in Jersey to the ‘Carers Legislation Consultation Conference’ in St Helier Jersey (February 2018)
- Professor Hilary Sommerlad was consulted by Joy Akah-Douglas of The Law Society’s Ethnic Minority Lawyers' Division about research into sexual harassment in the legal profession and barriers to Black women lawyers (February 2018)
- Professor Luke Clements’ accessible publication concerning his research on ‘practical problem solving’ by families with disabled children was downloaded over 36,500 times in its first 20 months since its launch in March 2016 and in this period has resulted in over 45 workshops throughout the UK (October 2017)
- Dr Sam Lewis, as a member of the Ministry of Justice’s Race Advisory Group (RAG) since 2011, contributed to discussions of the Ministry’s Race and the Criminal Justice System 2016 report in advance of its publication in November 2017 (May 2017)
- Dr Craig Purshouse’s research on whether 'lost autonomy' should be recognised as actionable damage in medical negligence cases was cited by the Court of Appeal of Singapore in ACB v Thomson Medical Pte Ltd [2017] SGCA 20 at [51], [118] and [120] per Andrew Phang JA (22 March 2017)