The Centre for Law and Social Justice

Our work considers the extent to which law can address inequalities and help ensure that resources are shared more equitably.

A crowd of people on the street, seen from behind

School of Law - Centre for Law and Social Justice

Our academic team consists of over 20 experts in the field of Law and Social Justice who conduct research and teaching within the School.

More on Our experts

The work of Centre for Law and Social Justice members are brought together through three cross-cutting themes.

More on Research themes

Our academics have established international reputations across a range of areas and through our research we contribute to legal and policy developments locally, nationally and internationally.

More on Impact

Our research projects explore the fundamental issues within Law and Social Justice on a national and international level.

More on Research projects

Spotlight on research

Professor Marie-Andrée Jacob, Dr Amrita Limbu and Dr Priyasha Saksena talk about their project ‘Making it to the registers: documenting migrant carers’ experiences of registration and fitness to practise’, which seeks to interrogate the lived dimensions of the regulation of global, migrant healthcare workers in the UK.

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The project is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and involves collaborators Professor Nasreen Ali and Rukia Saleem at the University of Bedfordshire, the British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) and the Refugee Support, Training, Orientation, Recruitment and Education programme (ReSTORE).

Find out more about the project here.

An accessible version of the video is available here. 

Our inception

Law and Social Justice was inaugurated in September 2014. The inaugural event, funded by White Rose Doctoral Training Centre, was ‘Languages of Welfare and Justice: Legal Projects for Social Change’. The event was attended by 35 White Rose scholars. Professor Jonathan Herring (Exeter College, Oxford) gave the plenary address ‘Law and Social Injustice’ which framed the day. Inaugurating Law and Social Justice with a White Rose event reflects the group’s ambitions to make interdisciplinary connections across the White Rose Universities and beyond.