Research projects

You searched in School of Law Centre for Criminal Justice Studies

Current projects

Title Funder Start date End date
Professionals and Professionalism in International Criminal Justice 1 July 2023 1 December 2029
The elephant in the room: assessing money laundering risks in the UK construction industry 1 October 2022 31 December 2027
ESRC Vulnerability and Policing Futures Research Centre Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2022 30 April 2027
GreenAWARE: Greenspace Access, Wellbeing, and Resident Equality Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 June 2024 31 January 2026
Policing and community resilience in the context of climate change Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 June 2024 31 May 2025
Investigating Unexpected Death: Values and Attitudes in Coronial Autopsies BA / Leverhulme Small Grants 1 April 2019 1 October 2024
IcARUS: Innovative Approaches to Urban Security EU Horizon 2020 1 September 2020 31 August 2024

Past projects

Title Funder Start date End date
A Professional Register for Probation Practitioners: Opportunities and Challenges Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 16 October 2023 30 June 2024
Domestic Abuse Service Providers and their Stories Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2023 30 April 2024
Understanding and preventing ‘cuckoo’ victimisation N8 Policing Research Partnership 1 April 2022 31 January 2024
Understanding the geospatial and contextual patterns of rural domestic abuse: an exploratory study 1 September 2021 1 October 2023
Fostering safer parks for women and girls in West Yorkshire and beyond through multi-agency collaboration, knowledge exchange and the co-design of research-informed guidance 1 September 2022 31 August 2023
Safer Parks for Women and Girls 1 January 2022 31 March 2023
Convenient constructs: How chief police officers in England and Wales understand the right to exercise power. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 October 2019 31 March 2022
Reducing the unanticipated crime harms of Covid-19 policies UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) 10 June 2020 9 December 2021
Legal Cultures and New Regional Policies towards Forced Migrants 1 December 2020 30 November 2021
Transitions through university: Exploring expectations and motivations of undergraduate students Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence 1 September 2020 31 August 2021
Turing Fellow - Dr Birks Alan Turing Institute 1 October 2018 1 October 2020
Turing Fellow - Professor Wall Alan Turing Institute 1 October 2018 1 October 2020
'Lurking' and 'loitering': Historic Approaches to Policing Suspicious Behaviour in Britain and their Contemporary Resonances Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 October 2019 30 September 2020
Tracking Children in their Best Interests: electronic monitoring in three European juvenile justice systems (TCBI) European Commission 1 July 2018 30 June 2020
EMPHASIS - EconoMical, PsycHologicAl and Societal Impact of RanSomware [Ransomware and Cybercrimes of Extortion] Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) / Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 April 2017 31 December 2019
Understanding Organised Crime and Terrorist Networks TAKEDOWN European Commission 1 September 2016 1 September 2019
The Leeds Parks Fund: Developing a model for charitable giving to parks Big Lottery Fund, Heritage Lottery Fund and Nesta 1 August 2018 30 June 2019
Tackling Selection Bias in Sentencing Data Analysis National Centre for Research Methods (ESRC) 1 October 2017 31 December 2018
TNOC Transnational Organised Crime in the 21st Century Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 October 2017 1 October 2018
Policing Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies N8 PRG Catalyst Fund 1 June 2016 1 August 2017