Chris Dietz
- Course: PhD
- Nationality: British
Please tell us a bit about yourself.
I grew up in Liverpool, but moved to Leeds in 2008 to undertake my LLB – and I still haven’t managed to leave!
What motivated you to undertake your PhD and why did you choose Leeds?
After being impressed with the links made between the research culture and learning environment in the School, I knew I wanted to continue my postgraduate studies in Leeds.
How would you describe your experience at the University?
The accessibility of the academic environment made it very easy to feel included within a research community.
How has your research helped your career?
The postgraduate research I conducted at Leeds gave me the chance to teach, research, and organise events in a first-class academic institution – experience which has set me up well for the challenge of taking up a lectureship at the School.
How would you describe the guidance you've received?
The staff in the School of Law are incredibly supportive and helpful, approachable and enthusiastic about their work.
What do you think of the facilities?
As well as the lovely new Liberty Building – built since I first arrived at the School – the University facilities are great. The libraries offer contrasting spaces which are equally good for studying in, and I have yet to swim in a better pool than the one in The Edge.
What would you say about Leeds as a city?
As a city, Leeds is perfectly-sized – big enough for there to always be somewhere new to discover on an afternoon or evening, but also small enough to bump unexpectedly into colleagues or friends.
Since graduation, what have you been doing?
Studying at Leeds had already put me in a good position when I took up visiting researcher positions at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), and Linköping University (Sweden). But the skills I gained have proven even more useful since I took up a position teaching and researching at the School.
Tell us about your current role.
As a Lecturer in Law & Social Justice, my time is divided between continuing my doctoral research (into the regulation of gendered embodiment) and teaching Employment Law, Gender and the Law, Health Care Law, and Law and Society.