Economic and Social Constitutionalism

Economic and Social Integration in EU Constitutionalism and Comparative Regionalism

Constitutionalising Europe is said to engender frictions between economic and social integration. Our research reflects on this in fields such as agriculture, employment, industrial relations, education and services of general interest.

The centre has successfully hosted an interdisciplinary research group on European Economic and Social Constitutionalism after the Treaty of Lisbon (Professor Dagmar Schiek and Andrea Gideon) the results of which have been published by Cambridge University Press. It also participates in the project Industrial action and the peace obligation on the internal market in Europe (Professor Dagmar Schiek and Dr. Jule Mulder). 

The Centre’s contribution to the School’s 2nd century events was a conference on the topic ‘The European Union’s Economic and Social Model – Still Viable in a Global Crisis?’ (Professor Dagmar Schiek). This took place on 8 and 9 December 2011 and gained unexpected topicality due to falling on the eve of a decisive Council meeting on the future of the European currency.

We are currently working on Economic and Social Integration in the EU and Beyond – Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Jean Monnet ad personam chair) (Professor Dagmar Schiek and Andrea Gideon). Research on EU agricultural Law and Policy enriches this research focus, eg. a project o “Sustainable Agriculture” in cooperation with the Swedish SIEPS (Alicia Epstein) and a major research project on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (Professor Michael Cardwell).

Project Publications

Our outputs include ...

Schiek D, ‘The EU Constitution of Social Governance in an economic crisis – in defence of a transnational dimension to social Europe’ (2013) Maastricht Journal of Comparative and European Law

Schiek D (ed.), The EU Social and Economic Model in the Global Crisis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Ashgate, Farnham 2013)

Schiek D, Economic and Social Integration: The Challenge for EU Constitutional Law (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2012)

Schiek D, Liebert U & Schneider H (eds) European Economic and Social Constitutionalism after the Treaty of Lisbon (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011).

Morano-Foadi S, ‘Fundamental Rights in Europe: Constitutional dialogue between the Court of Justice of the EU and the European Court of Human Rights’ (2013) 5(1) Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-legal Studies 64.