Delta trainers' cognitions and practices

Our empirical understandings of what language teacher educators do and of the cognitive and contextual influences on their work remain very limited.

Responding to this gap, this study had the following objectives:

  • to provide accounts of the practices Delta trainers adopt during input sessions
  • to make explicit the cognitions - i.e. beliefs and knowledge - which underpin the input practices of these trainers
  • to examine the impact that contextual factors (including the Delta specifications) have on input sessions

This qualitative study involved Delta trainers from a range of contexts internationally. Data took the form of videos of training sessions, documents such as training session plans and handouts, and interviews.

The study generated a series of research-based case studies of the practices and cognitions of language teacher trainers which will be of international interest and have both theoretical and practical value.

Project Publications

Borg, S. (2013) Delta trainers’ cognitions and pedagogical practices1, Research Notes, Cambridge English Language Assessment, 54.