Doctor of Education (EdD)

A Doctorate degree in Education (EdD) combines the research methodology of a PhD with a programme of taught modules.
The EdD provides you with the opportunity to reflect on educational issues through structured teaching and study, informed by the most up-to-date research and inspection findings. You will also engage in original research under the guidance of two supervisors.
As a Doctor of Education, you will gain an advanced understanding of a range of educational issues, developing the skills and knowledge required to conduct and evaluate independent research.
The EdD programme is comprised of a series of taught modules, including research methods which we assess through written assignments. You will also submit a thesis of 55,000 words based on your own research.
We designed the Doctorate in Education programme to meet the needs of professionals in education, and related disciplines, who wish to enhance their knowledge and understanding of educational issues, keep abreast of a range of educational topics, and refine and develop their research skills.
The EdD programme combines modular study with research, and comprises three components:
- Taught modules
- Thesis preparation and an upgrade viva
- A research thesis
Taught modules
You will study:
- four research methods modules
- two specialist subject modules
- and then choose either a specialist subject or research methods module to complete the component.
You may take directed study modules for your specialist subject modules.
The EdD can be taken full-time (three years) or part-time (five years).
Areas of supervision
Postgraduate researchers are at the centre of the School of Education’s work.
We undertake impactful research in key areas of educational policy and practice, placing particular emphasis on the relevance of our work for practitioners and policymakers.
Our supervision offers a wide breadth of research activity across our research centres and groups:
- Collective for Curriculum, Pedagogy and Policy
- Digital Education
- Inclusion, Childhood and Youth
- Language Education
Many of our academic staff are also involved in the Leeds Social Science Institute which fosters interdisciplinary research collaborations and provides training for our postgraduate researchers.
The difference between an EdD and a PhD
The PhD and EdD are both supervised research degrees involving the submission of a thesis and a viva voce (oral) examination.
The PhD is awarded entirely on the basis of research, leading to a thesis of up to 100,000 words.
The EdD combines taught modules and research, leading to a thesis of up to 55,000 words, and is also called a professional doctorate.
The taught component of the EdD means that this route is suitable for people without a Masters degree.
The EdD programme forms part of our Continuing Professional Development provision.
We do not offer the EdD on a split-site basis or by distance learning due to the taught aspects of the course.