Research projects

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Current projects

Title Funder Start date End date
Professionals and Professionalism in International Criminal Justice 1 July 2023 1 December 2029
Connected Data Analytics Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2022 30 April 2027
Efficacy trial of the Communication Friendly Settings Programme 1 October 2022 31 March 2026
The Choreography of Consent: experiments in dance/law research Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 September 2024 1 March 2026
Legal Entitlements and Problem-Solving (LEaP) Cerebra 1 January 2016 31 December 2025
Understanding normative change to address the climate emergency UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) 1 October 2021 30 September 2025
Re-Evaluating the Pandemic Preparedness And REsponse agenda (REPPARE) Brownstone Institute 1 August 2023 31 August 2025
Evaluating Innovation Policy: Department for the Economy (NI) (UKRI Policy Fellowship) UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) 1 January 2024 30 June 2025
Policing and community resilience in the context of climate change Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 June 2024 31 May 2025
Policing, vulnerabilities and domestic abuse: victims, perpetrators, interventions Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2023 30 April 2025
Pilot study of the Communication Friendly Home-Based Settings Programme 1 October 2022 31 March 2025
Efficacy trial of Concept Cat 1 October 2022 31 March 2025
Inclusive Public Space: Law, Universality and Difference in the Accessibility of Streets 1 January 2019 31 December 2024
RESPONSE - Realist evaluation to improve health systems responsiveness to neglected health needs of vulnerable groups in Ghana and Vietnam Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 April 2020 31 December 2024
Determinants, Dynamics and Policy Implications of Deep Poverty 1 January 2022 31 December 2024
Efficacy trial of the 5Rs approach to GCSE Maths resits 31 October 2021 31 December 2024
Evaluation of Let’s Talk Bristol: Bristol Early Language (BEL) Recovery Programme 1 February 2023 31 December 2024
Investigating Unexpected Death: Values and Attitudes in Coronial Autopsies BA / Leverhulme Small Grants 1 April 2019 1 October 2024
Exploring Student Experience of On Campus, Online and Hybrid Delivery 1 July 2022 30 September 2024
A Global Comparative Ethnography of Parliaments, Politicians and People: Representation, Relationships and Ruptures European Research Council 1 September 2019 1 September 2024
IcARUS: Innovative Approaches to Urban Security EU Horizon 2020 1 September 2020 31 August 2024

Past projects

Title Funder Start date End date
A Professional Register for Probation Practitioners: Opportunities and Challenges Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 16 October 2023 30 June 2024
County Lines Policing and Vulnerability Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2022 30 April 2024
Towards a minimum policing standard Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2022 30 April 2024
Co-designing community resilience to online child sexual victimisation Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2022 30 April 2024
Q methods study of vulnerability Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2022 30 April 2024
Reinforcers or reformers: an exploration of how legal educators perceive their role and its relationship with the legal profession following the introduction of the SQE Socio-Legal Studies Association 1 January 2023 1 January 2024
International Law as a Profession: (De)Constructing the Identity of International Lawyers 1 May 2021 1 January 2024
Lawyering for International Criminal Justice 1 October 2018 31 December 2023
Innovative finance instruments and local public procurement for net zero UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) 1 May 2021 31 December 2023
Towards an evidence-based understanding of student careers ambitions and needs: the case of criminology 1 July 2021 21 December 2023
Evaluating the Social Value of Innovative Finance: A Case Study of Community Municipal Bonds Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 October 2020 30 September 2023
Re-counting crime: New methods to improve the accuracy of estimates of crime ESRC (Secondary Data Analysis Initiative) 1 October 2020 4 September 2023
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Digital Governance European Commission 1 September 2019 1 September 2023
Petitioning and People Power in Twentieth-Century Britain Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 August 2020 31 July 2023
European Disability Expertise (EDE) European Commission 1 July 2020 30 June 2023
Finance and Procurement for Net-Zero UK Energy Research Centre (UKRI) Flexible Research Fund 1 July 2021 30 June 2023
MOdify Drivers’ behaviour to Adapt for Lower EmissionS (MODALES) EU Horizon 2020 1 September 2019 31 May 2023
Investigating Unexpected Death: Values and Attitudes in Coronial Autopsies BA / Leverhulme Small Grants 1 April 2019 28 February 2023
Security for sale in modern Britain: security provision, ensembles and cultures, 1785 - 1995 Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 December 2020 28 February 2023
Co-POWeR: Consortium on Practices for Wellbeing and Resilience in BAME Families and Communities UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) 12 February 2021 11 February 2023
Encounters between welfare professionals and citizens 1 July 2021 1 January 2023
Strengthening in-house lawyer ethics 1 September 2018 1 January 2023
Evaluating the Operation of Malta's Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act 2015: To What Extent Has it Enhanced the Bodily Integrity of Intersex Infants? BA / Leverhulme Small Grants 1 January 2020 1 January 2023
Unveiling the factors for the predictive validity of IELTS for postgraduate studies: assessment, teaching and learning in the TLU domain British Council 31 January 2021 1 January 2023
Net-Zero Neighbourhoods UK Energy Research Centre (UKRI) Flexible Research Fund 1 May 2021 31 December 2022
Enhance driver behaviour and Public Acceptance of Connected and Autonomous vehicLes (PASCAL) EU Horizon 2020 1 June 2019 30 November 2022
CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry (CONSOLE) EU Horizon 2020 1 May 2019 31 October 2022
Communication for Children with Hearing Impairment to optimise Language Development (Comm4CHILD) EU Horizon 2020 1 September 2019 30 September 2022
Young People & Active Journeys in Leeds 1 January 2022 30 September 2022
Early education for young deaf children and their caregivers in Ghana British Academy Early Childhood Education Programme, supported under the Global Challenges Research Fund 18 November 2019 17 May 2022
Making, Unmaking, Remaking? Professional Identity and Practice in Probation in the Aftermath of the Transforming Rehabilitation Reforms 22 May 2022 24 April 2022
Feeding the nation: seasonal migrant workers and food security during COVID-19 pandemic Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 28 October 2020 22 April 2022
Changing the game: The dynamics of the commercialisation of football in Eastern Africa 1 August 2020 1 April 2022
Convenient constructs: How chief police officers in England and Wales understand the right to exercise power. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 October 2019 31 March 2022
Change, continuity and crisis in the legal profession: the role of gender 1 October 2022 1 March 2022
Reducing the unanticipated crime harms of Covid-19 policies UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) 10 June 2020 9 December 2021
Legal Cultures and New Regional Policies towards Forced Migrants 1 December 2020 30 November 2021
The impact of a pre-registration transition programme (Transition to Leeds) on international PGT students’ sense of belonging 1 February 2021 30 September 2021
Transitions through university: Exploring expectations and motivations of undergraduate students Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence 1 September 2020 31 August 2021
The Impact of Covid-19 on Key Learning and Education (ICKLE) ESRC/UKRI 10 September 2020 9 August 2021
Student perceptions of teaching and learning within undergraduate education programmes Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence 1 February 2020 1 July 2021
Defining Freedom of the Press : A Cross national examination of press ethics and regulation in ten European countries Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 May 2018 3 June 2021
Growing post-16 maths participation: promoting the benefits of Core Maths ESRC/LSSI Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) 1 August 2020 31 May 2021
Pathways to numeracy in rural India: policies, patterns and perceptions (P2N) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Global Challenges Research Fund 1 November 2019 1 May 2021
Understanding the Moderate Drinking Students of Generation Sensible Funded by a small grant from the University of Kent 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
Co-evolution of Facebook’s Content Policies & International Instruments Facebook 1 April 2020 31 March 2021
Well-being and burnout in teaching: unpacking the causes and tackling the problems ESRC/LSSI Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) 1 November 2019 30 March 2021
Evaluating the Impact of Digital Health Communities ESRC/LSSI Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) 1 October 2019 7 February 2021
Medical education assessment 1 January 2008 1 January 2021
Strengthening Health System Delivery and Quality: Mechanisms and Effects of Performance Based Financing in the Sub-Saharan context 1 March 2017 1 December 2020
Northern Ireland Election Study 2019 Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 December 2019 30 November 2020
Sustainable development for pastoralist women in India: dignity, heritage and adaptations in times of rapid change (HERDING) British Academy (Global Challenges Research Fund) 26 September 2018 25 November 2020
Researching Accountability in the Indian System of Education (RAISE) ESRC - DFID 1 May 2018 31 October 2020
Turing Fellow - Dr Birks Alan Turing Institute 1 October 2018 1 October 2020
Turing Fellow - Professor Wall Alan Turing Institute 1 October 2018 1 October 2020
'Lurking' and 'loitering': Historic Approaches to Policing Suspicious Behaviour in Britain and their Contemporary Resonances Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 October 2019 30 September 2020
Weight Stigma and Anti-Discrimination Law: Examining Attitudes Towards Weight as a Protected Class Harvard Catalyst 1 October 2019 30 September 2020
Data Justice in Mexico’s Multiveillant Society: How big data is reshaping the struggle for human rights and political freedoms Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 October 2018 30 September 2020
Deepening Democracy in Extremely Politically Fragile Countries: Networking for Historical, Cultural and Arts Research on Parliaments and People ESRC/LSSI Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) 1 September 2017 1 September 2020
Goals and Purposes of EU Competition Law: What Does the Data Say? Konkurrensverket (Competition Authority, Sweden) 1 September 2019 31 August 2020
ASCENTS 121 Support for Science EEF and Wellcome Trust 1 January 2019 1 July 2020
Policing Children and Families: A Study of the Police Response to Child-to-Parent Violence N8 Policing Research Partnership 1 May 2019 30 April 2020
Access and Benefit Sharing in Practice: Community, Science and Policy Darwin Initiative 1 April 2017 30 March 2020
Hitting them where it hurts: The history of development of Civil Recovery powers under the Proceeds of Crime Act Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 1 June 2017 31 December 2019
Mobile Solutions to the Mexican Kidnapping Epidemic: Beyond Elite Counter-Measures Towards Citizen-Led Innovation Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 12 August 2018 31 October 2019
Shale Gas Development : A benchmark review of the regulatory Framework Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) 1 March 2019 1 September 2019
TAKEDOWN - Understand the Dimensions of Organised Crime and Terrorist Networks for Developing Effective and Efficient Security Solutions for First-line-practitioners and Professionals European Commission (Brussels) Horizon 2020 1 September 2016 31 August 2019
Exploring Agent Computing for Understanding Police Demand Alan Turing Institute 25 February 2019 24 August 2019
Emerging technology and Big Data analytics: Realising the potential of Automatic Number Plate Recognition N8 Policing Research Partnership 1 May 2018 31 July 2019
Legal Advice to Legislatures – Supporting a Professionalising Legislature The Leverhulme Trust 1 September 2017 1 April 2019
Subnational Context and Radical Right support in Europe (SCoRE) Open Research Area (ORA) for the Social Sciences 1 April 2016 31 March 2019
The protection role of the Committee on Petitions in the context of the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities European Parliament 1 July 2015 31 December 2018
The spaces of mental capacity law: moving beyond the binaries Independent Social Research Foundation 1 January 2018 31 December 2018
Understanding Solidarity Amid Refugee Crises 1 March 2017 31 October 2018
Friendship and International Community: Cross-Cultural Concepts 1 January 2018 30 June 2018
Exploring the impacts of Body Worn Video in Incidents of Domestic Abuse N8 Policing Research Partnership 1 May 2017 1 May 2018
Northern Ireland Election Study 2017-18 Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 March 2017 28 February 2018
The Petitions Committee: Developing a New Style of Public Engagement ESRC/LSSI Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) 1 October 2016 1 May 2017
Truly Engaging Citizens with the Parliamentary Process? An Evaluation of the Public Reading Stage in the House of Commons The Leverhulme Trust 1 October 2015 1 April 2017
The Responsibility to Protect The Political Sustainability of Liberal Norms in an Age of Shifting Power balances 1 January 2013 31 December 2016
Alternative Finance Opportunities for Green Energy 4 November 2015 4 March 2016
Northern Ireland Election Study 2015-16 Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 March 2015 28 February 2016
White Rose Consortium on The Responsibility to Protect and Human Interconnectedness 1 January 2013 31 December 2015
Bradford mapping research: service provision for vulnerable groups in contact with the police Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 May 2022
Partnerships for Cultural Change: Reverse Mentoring in higher education and the legal profession Michael Beverley Innovation Fund 1 October 2022
The right to independent living of persons with disabilities: Statistical analysis for outcome indicators European Agency for Fundamental Rights