Policing Children and Families: A Study of the Police Response to Child-to-Parent Violence

This collaborative research project involves the University of Leeds and two police forces to examine police responses to CPV by children aged 10 to 19 years. Over the next 12 months, Dr Sam Lewis and Dr Jose Pina-Sánchez from the School of Law will work with these forces to unearth the cases of CPV that, because of data recording practices, currently remain hidden within police databases. Work to interrogate police databases will be combined with interviews with front line officers to determine the difficulties they face when responding to CPV, and consider how officers could be better supported, including through the development of bespoke (CPV-focused) policy and practice guidelines. An online survey will examine the needs and experiences of parents and carers from across England and Wales who have contacted the police in the context of filial violence. The outputs from the project will include a dissemination conference at the University of Leeds. The conference will be free to attend and open to all practitioners, policy-makers, academics and service users with an interest in CPV.

Project website
