New Publication: ‘It’s about dismantling power’: Reflections on co-producing a PGR-led feminist pedagogy workshop. Student Engagement in Higher education Journal, Vol 3 No 1.
Postgraduate researcher Rumana Hossain has recently published a paper following a co-organized inter-disciplinary workshop held at the University of Leeds in June 2019.
New publication: How do cultural and religious attitudes impact on people’s desire to learn languages?
Read a new study by CLER’s researchers, Achmad Farid and Martin Lamb.
Professor Alice Deignan contributes to new research project on vaccination discourse
Congratulations to Professor Alice Deignan from the Centre for Language Education and Research who is a Co-Investigator on a new £1 million project led by Lancaster University.
Dr Dogus Oksuz receives the Institute for Corpus Research Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award
Congratulations to Dr Dogus Oksuz, a Research Fellow at the Centre for Language Education Research, who has received the Institute for Corpus Research Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award.
Could Core Maths help get students back on track after Covid-19?
Due to national lockdown measures imposed as a result of Covid-19, students have been away from the traditional classroom for an extended period of time which is expected to have impacted learning.