Publication of Issue Three of the Leeds Student Law and Criminal Justice Review

The LSLCJR is a student-led academic journal that was developed to showcase the outstanding quality of research produced by students in the School of Law at the University of Leeds.
The School of Law is delighted to announce the publication of Issue 3 of the Leeds Student Law and Criminal Justice Review (LSLCJR).
The LSLCJR is a Postgraduate Researcher-led publication that was developed to showcase the outstanding quality of work produced by the students at the University of Leeds School of Law.
I am struck by the fact that, as well as providing valuable opportunities for PhD students to gain experience of editing a journal, the Leeds Student Law and Criminal Justice Review also does a superb job of showcasing some of the truly outstanding research that our undergraduate and taught postgraduate students complete.
The journal aims to include articles based on a broad range of legal subjects that reflects the extensive range of subjects both taught and researched within the School of Law which engages and develops current legal scholarship.
The breadth also reflects the diversity in the School’s Research Centres in Business Law and Practice, Criminal Justice Studies and Law and Social Justice. Fundamentally, the journal seeks to display the importance and relationship between academic studies and the impact of sharing research and contributing to the legal discourse.
It’s fantastic to see the journal grow in leaps and bounds with every issue. It’s truly an honour to showcase the outstanding quality of research our undergraduates are engaged in and the commitment of the PGR Editors to our phenomenal School of Law Community.
The editorial board:
Co-Managing Editors: Damarie Kalonzo & Nina Herzog
Editors: Nur Mokhtar, Rebecca Fox, Valeria Caroli & Maria-Anda Busuioc
Read the third edition of the Student Law and Criminal Justice Review.