
Results 1 to 5 of 199 in Centre for Criminal Justice Studies

image of person breaking into a car. Smiling portrait of Prof Farrell to the right.

Professor Graham Farrell explains why car theft in the US declined by 80% between 1990 and 2020.

Smiling pictures of Dr Shaw and Dr Malik

Dr Ali Malik and Dr Rebecca Shaw have been awarded Creating Opportunities through Local Innovation Fellowships (COLIF).

Leeds City Council and University of Leeds Research Collaboration document

The University of Leeds and Leeds City Council have launched a new Research Collaboration Framework to address the city's evidence challenges, enhancing research-policy partnerships.

An orange banner with white text reading 'A country that works for all children and young people.' Below, bold navy text states, 'An evidence-based plan for addressing childhood vulnerability, crime and justice.' At the bottom are logos.

A new report from the ESRC Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre outlines an evidence-based plan to divert vulnerable youth from criminal exploitation and harm.

Colourful illustration saying: 'What narratives prevent change?' and 'victim survivor voice'

Dr Rebecca Shaw’s project ‘Domestic abuse service providers and their stories’ investigated how the stories around domestic abuse can prevent change.