Should there be a minimum unit price for alcohol?
Dr Henry Yeomans has recently spoken on Radio Aire addressing whether a minimum unit price for alcohol should be introduced.
Professor Pinar Akman speaks on Bloomberg Radio about EU competition regulation
Recently, the European Commission has accused General Electric and Merck of providing incomplete or misleading information in order to push through mergers or acquisitions.
Professor Pinar Akman speaks on Bloomberg Radio about EU competition regulation
The European Commission has accused companies including General Electric and Merck of providing incomplete or misleading information in order to push through mergers or acquisitions.
Dr Stylianou weighs in on the repeal of the net neutrality rules in the US
In an op-ed published in the LSE Media Policy Blog Dr Stylianou argues that the end of the net neutrality rules in the US will not signify the end of the open internet as feared.
Law alumnus named young entrepreneur to watch in 2017
Ben Corrigan (LLB Law) is featured in About Time Magazine as a young tech entrepreneur to watch in 2017.