Good Gray day for mooters
Five students at the School of Law participated in the International Law Students Association Jessup Moot at Gray's Inn, London, held between 19 and 22 Febuary 2010.
Good Gray day for mooters
Five students at the School of Law participated in the International Law Students Association Jessup Moot at Gray's Inn, London, held between 19 and 22 Febuary 2010.
'Governing Anti-Social Behaviour' publications available
We are pleased to announce two publications that have arisen directly out of the ESRC Seminar Series 'Governing Anti-Social Behaviour' which concluded in 2009.
WUN International and Comparative Criminal Justice Network (ICCJnet) Fellowship for 2010 Awarded to Dr Ilaria Bottigliero
We are pleased to announce that the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) International and Comparative Criminal Justice Network (ICCJnet) Fellowship for 2010 has been awarded to Dr Ilaria Bottigliero.
Students offer free legal advice to the public
FREE legal advice will be available to the public at a series of clinics staffed by law students from the University of Leeds.