Dr Leopoldo Parada quoted in Bloomberg Tax article on digital services taxes
Dr Leopoldo Parada's opinion is featured in a Bloomberg Tax article in regard to digital services taxes and the struggles that some European countries are facing in terms of revenue collection.
Dr Ilias Trispiotis gives oral evidence on the Government's proposed legislation against 'conversion therapy' in the UK
Dr Ilias Trispiotis was invited by the House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee to give oral evidence on the Government's proposed legislation against conversion therapy in the UK.
Professor Pinar Akman's research cited by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's report on digital platform services
The Commission used Professor Akman's research to support aspects of its findings, proposals and recommendations to the Australian government regarding policy and legal changes to be introduced.
School of Law Professor to co-direct new research centre to explore how policing can better service the needs of vulnerable groups
The universities of York and Leeds are to jointly lead a £10m research centre dedicated to better understanding how the police and other services can prevent and reduce vulnerabilities.
Tackling the Global Climate Crisis: Global Governance Dilemmas, Forest Protection and Indigenous People
Dr Markus Fraundorfer talks climate crisis on a new episode of the Ilkley Literature Festival's Settee Seminars podcast series.