
Results 611 to 615 of 1971 in all schools

all schools news archive | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Leeds

The Sutherland Prize, awarded by the American Society for Legal History, is named after Donald W. Sutherland, who was “a distinguished historian of the law of medieval England".

The House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee invited Dr Holland as an expert witness.

A plain background with text that says: The Big Leeds Conversation

The University's draft values framework is ready for all staff, students and postgraduate researchers to review. Have your say before the survey closes on Friday 12 November.

Forever leeds podcast

Forever Leeds is the new podcast for everyone who went to Leeds, has children or relatives at Leeds right now, or is thinking of applying to study at Leeds themselves.

INTER.PARES, a global project funded by the EU to strengthen the capacity of parliaments, has just launched an e-learning course on representation designed by Professor Leston-Bandeira.