Dr Leopoldo Parada interviewed by TBS eFM Radio program "This Morning" from South Korea
The interview covered the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s two-pillar approach to address tax challenges posed by digitalisation.
Professor Fiona Smith gives evidence to Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
The House of Commons’ Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee held the second public evidence session of its inquiry examining Free Trade Agreement the UK Government has signed with Australia.
School of Law student’s dissertation published by West Yorkshire Violent Reduction Unit
The dissertation was developed from a collaborative project established by the School of Law and the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit.
Dr Or Brook publishes Policy Report for the Priority Setting Project
The Priority Setting Project aims to rethink EU and national competition law enforcement.
School of Law academics join with Cumbria Constabulary to examine rural domestic abuse
The project “Understanding the Geospatial & Contextual Patterns of Rural Domestic Abuse” received funding from the Police Science, Technology, Analysis & Research Board, supported by the Home Office.