Professor Henry Yeomans quoted in Daily Mail on research into young people’s drinking

The research paper titled ‘‘More options…less time’ in the ‘hustle culture’ of ‘generation sensible’: Individualisation and drinking decline among twenty-first century young adults’.
The School of Law’s alcohol regulation specialist and historical criminologist, Professor Henry Yeomans has been quoted in an article by the Daily Mail about his work with Professor Adam Burgess (University of Kent) on why young people’s drinking is declining. There has been a recognised increase of conscious moderation and abstinence from alcohol among ‘Generation Z’ (those born between the mid-to-late 1990s and the 2010s) and Professor Yeoman’s research has linked this to a greater choice of leisure activities, external pressures to perform and a prolonged adolescence.
Professor Yeomans said in the article “Individualisation transforms public problems, from climate change to economic precarity, into personal choices about drinking and other lifestyle activities.
“Those seeking to instigate further declines in drinking should take moderators' and abstainers' lived experiences into account or they may risk making these experiences of pressure, anxiety and insecurity more intense and more widespread.”