
Results 116 to 120 of 448 in School of Politics and International Studies

Dr Eike Rinke has co-guest-edited a “Profession Symposium” (a series of 7 short articles) on the topic of “Opening Political Science” that has been published in PS: Political Science & Politics.

The Centre for Global Security Challenges (CGSC) and Centre for Global Development (CGD)'s written submission to UK parliament on COVID-19 and global health security has been published.

Desideria Benini's MA dissertation research was in partnership with WaterAid and focussed on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector.

Since graduating in 2020, former MA Global Development student Phoebe Holmes has written for several online outlets, including The BSC Blog and Africa is a Country.

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Professor Cristina Leston-Bandeira’s article on e-petitions was selected by the journal Policy & Politics, to be part of its free access virtual issue on digital, democracy and participation.