
Results 481 to 485 of 993 in School of Law

Dr Subhajit Basu smiling

In an attempt to fight the spread of the coronavirus countries are looking to launch tracking apps. Dr Subhajit Basu discusses the legal issues around GDPR associated with this potential response.

Leeds law surya p subedi

The University of Hull has awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, to Leeds Law Professor Surya P. Subedi, QC, OBE, DCL.

Partnership awards

The annual Leeds Partnership Awards celebrate the achievements of staff and students who truly put The Leeds Partnership into practice.

Ncba 8

On the evening of Monday 9 March, the School of Law welcomed representatives from the Northern Chancery Bar Association including the Chair and Vice Chancellor to speak to our students.

2Dr stylianous interview

The virus pandemic has caused instability in global markets, including cryptoasset markets.