From law student to pioneering researcher in disability rights and colonial legacies
Damarie Kalonzo, a postgraduate researcher at the School of Law, shares her academic journey from her initial interest in disability law to her current PhD research on colonial legacies in Kenya.
Staff and students celebrated at Faculty Partnership Awards
The Partnership Awards recognise staff and student successes across teaching, research and innovation, equality and inclusion, and wellbeing.
Faculty academics take centre stage during Africa Week
Academics and postgraduate researchers in the Faculty of Social Sciences will take part in the University of Leeds’ Africa Week.
From Uganda to Leeds: An International Postgraduate Student's Experience at the School of Law
Embarking on a journey from Uganda to Leeds, Syndia shares her experience of studying International Human Rights Law at the School of Law.
Ground-breaking study into the language of tweens wins large UKRI fund
School of Education Professor secures significant grant to conduct large-scale project into how language develops in young people.