Professor Jose Pina-Sánchez delivers fifth Faculty Inaugural Lecture

The Faculty was delighted to host Professor Pina-Sánchez's lecture in celebration of his impressive research career.

On 30 January 2025, the Faculty of Social Sciences continued its Faculty Inaugural Lecture Series for the 2024-25 academic year. The lectures in this series are delivered by academic colleagues who have been promoted to or appointed at the rank of Professor in the Faculty since January 2020.

Audience watches Professor Pina-Sánchez delivering his lecture.

Audience watches Professor Pina-Sánchez delivering his lecture.

The fifth lecture in the series was given by the School of Law’s Professor Jose Pina-Sánchez.

Professor Pina-Sánchez’s research primarily centres on criminal justice decision making, with a particular emphasis on criminal sentencing. His research and teaching focuses on the application of advances statistical methods and innovative data sources to contribute to a fairer, more transparent, and effective criminal justice system. In his latest project, he led a multidisciplinary team investigating whether ethnic disparities in prison sentences could be indicative of sentencing discrimination.

Audience applause as Professor Pina-Sánchez concludes his lecture.

Audience applause as Professor Pina-Sánchez concludes his lecture.

In his inaugural lecture, Professor Pina-Sánchez showcased the significance of social research methods through one particular case study.

“Estimating Ethnic Disparities in Sentencing: Methodological Challenges and a Path Forward” showcased the obstacles of various kinds of bias which come into play when seeking an accurate representation of the ethnic disparities in criminal sentencing of drug offenders in England and Wales. He also showcased how social research methods can provide a way through the uncertainties caused by these many forms of bias.

Professor Pina-Sánchez answering audience questions.

Professor Pina-Sánchez answering audience questions.

The lecture was followed by a Q&A session, and finally by a drinks reception. 

Professor Pina-Sánchez speaking with colleagues at the drinks reception.

Professor Pina-Sánchez speaking with colleagues at the drinks reception.

The sixth Faculty of Social Sciences Inaugural Lecture will be delivered by The School of Politics and International StudiesProfessor Adrian Gallagher on Wednesday 19 February in Liberty Building LT (LG.06) at 16:00. As with all events in this series, the lecture will be followed by a drinks reception. Please find further details and register your attendance through this link.

If you are not a colleague or postgraduate researcher in the Faculty of Social Sciences and would like to be added to the mailing list for the series, please email Dr Izzy Jenkinson (Faculty Events Coordinator) at