Dr Konstantinos Stylianou Participates in CCIA’s Press Conference on the Google Android Decision

Dr Stylianou has contributed to a press conference after the European Commission announced a record-setting fine of £3.8bn against Google for abuse of dominance in the mobile operating systems market.
Dr Konstantinos Stylianou participated in the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) press conference which was held immediately after the European Commission announced a record-setting fine of £3.8bn against Google for abuse of dominance in the mobile operating systems market (Wednesday, July 18). The press conference brought together experts to discuss aspects of the controversial case and to answer questions by journalists joining from major news agencies. CCIA is an international not-for-profit membership organization that represents the interests of fair and open competition in the computer, telecommunications and Internet industries. Google is a member of CCIA. Dr Stylianou has researched and written on Android and on the mobile industry in general, and has provided consultancy services to Google in the past.