Professor Katja Franko discusses criminological research and the value of lives, security and inequality at Centre for Criminal Justice Studies Annual Lecture
On Tuesday 27 October 2020, Professor Franko delivered the talk entitled "Lives that matter: Doing criminology in an unequal and divided world".
Dr Subhajit Basu interviewed by Legitquest
Legitquest is a Legal-Tech venture run by a team of attorneys, engineers and designers who aim to make the practice of law simpler for its end users.
Professor Subedi delivered a speech to mark the 20th anniversary of an academic organisation that he established and chaired for the first ten years
Professor Surya P. Subedi, QC, OBE, DCL, LLD delivered a speech at a virtual conference to mark the 20th anniversary of the Britain-Nepal Academic Council at SOAS University of London on 5 November.
Professor Adam Crawford co-authors report which showcases civic links between University and Council
The power of research at the University of Leeds in supporting the important work of Leeds City Council has been highlighted, thanks to a new report led by the Leeds Social Sciences Institute.
Dr Ilaria Zavoli invited to talk at "The STL Judgement in the Ayyash et al. case: Justice for Lebanon?"
On Wednesday 2 December 2020 Dr Ilaria Zavoli will feature as a speaker as part of a panel about a judgment issued by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in the Ayyash et al. case.