Alex Batesmith quoted in i news article on bringing Putin to trial over alleged war crimes in Ukraine
The article discusses the challenges in bringing senior Russian leaders to justice for war crimes and other international crimes committed in the invasion of Ukraine.
School of Law ranked within top 100 in the world for Law and Legal Studies
The School of Law has consolidated its place in the world top 100 for Law and Legal Studies in the QS World University Rankings by Subject for 2022.
Dr Stuart Wallace contributes to UK Government’s consultation on Human Rights Act reform
CEASEFIRE has submitted a response to the Ministry of Justice consultation to abolish the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) and instead replace it with a new Bill of Rights.
Dr Karina Patricio Ferreira Lima’s work on the IMF’s 2018 Stand-By Arrangement with Argentina receives significant media attention
The paper is titled “The IMF’s 2018 Stand-By Arrangement with Argentina: An Ultra Vires Act?”
Publication of Issue Two of the Leeds Student Law and Criminal Justice Review
The LSLCJR is a student-led academic journal that was developed to showcase the outstanding quality of research produced by students in the School of Law at the University of Leeds.