Professor Adam Crawford speaks at international symposium on ‘Evidence Based Policing’

Professor Adam Crawford gave a presentation on the merits and lessons of co-production in police-university relations to an international symposium on ‘Evidence Based Policing".
The symposium was organised by Professor Johannes Knutsson of the Norwegian Police University College and held in Kongsvinger, Norway on 24-26 May 2016.
His paper, entitled: ‘Research co-production and knowledge mobilisation in policing: Some insights from innovations in police-university collaboration’ drew on experiences and insights gained in developing the ESRC Knowledge Exchange project with West Yorkshire Police (2014-15) as well as the ongoing HEFCE funded Catalyst grant that is supporting the N8 Policing Research Partnership.
Professor Knutsson is one of the international advisors to the N8 PRP. Other delegates include other members of the N8 PRP Advisory Board, including Professor Gloria Laycock (UCL), Professor Lorraine Mazerolle (Queensland University) and Betsy Stanko, as well as Rachel Tuffin of the College of Policing.
The symposium will result in an international collection of essays to be published by Routledge early in 2017 provisionally entitled ‘Advances in Evidence Based Policing’ edited by Johannes Knutsson and Lisa Thompson (UCL).