School of Law academic addresses money laundering risks through new video

Dr Ilaria Zavoli publishes a video on money laundering in the UK construction industry.

Through the support of the Michael Beverley Innovation Fellowship, Dr Ilaria Zavoli has published a video on her project, 'The elephant in the room: assessing money laundering risks in the UK construction industry'.

The construction industry is vulnerable to money laundering, with 97% of surveyed companies feeling at risk of breaching money laundering and bribery legislation. This is because there are joint pressures of getting projects finished on deadline, keeping costs down, and dealing with a lot of different contractors on just one project.

Dr Zavoli’s research project aims to obtain practice-based research findings and create a partnership with relevant stakeholders from the UK construction industry to answer their business needs on money laundering prevention and regulation implementation.

Funded by Michael Beverley, a Leeds alumnus and Yorkshire business leader, the fellowship aims to cultivate the next generation of entrepreneurs and provide assistance to early career researchers as they embark on their path of innovation and entrepreneurship.

This intensive development programme provides a safe space for Fellows to test and share their ideas, their successes, and overcome challenges to achieve their project and research goals.

Michael Beverley Innovation Fellowship

Read about other School of Law winners of the Michael Beverley Innovation Fellowship here.

Dr Zavoli says:

The fellowship has been a fantastic journey, enabling me to deepen my research into money laundering and undertake a project closely aligned with UK businesses.

This experience has provided me with invaluable inspiration, knowledge, and skills, for which I am deeply grateful. Through the fellowship, I have developed meaningful connections with key stakeholders in the construction industry and successfully disseminated my research findings via an animated video.

Dr Zavoli is a member of both the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies and the Centre for Business Law and Practice and can be found on X at @IlariaZavoli and LinkedIn.