School of Law Post Graduate Researcher Christina Straub has book published

The book is titled “Love as human virtue and human need and its role in the lives of long-term prisoners - A multidisciplinary exploration”
Christina Straub’s book is heavily based on her ESRC WRDTP PhD research conducted at the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies under the supervision of Professor Adam Crawford and Dr Emma Wincup.
Christina told us “Being able to ‘talk about love’ as a matter of open conversation about the pains and purpose of imprisonment has been my heartfelt wish for more than 10 years. From the moment I first set foot as a researcher into an English high-security prison in 2009, the fact that love had become a ‘taboo’ subject has been baffling me. Being able to explore the role of love in the lives of long-term prisoners during my PhD has provided me with the tools and the opportunity to make some sense of this bafflement.
“My book can hopefully provide some inspiration (and quite possibly provocation) to spur a multidisciplinary dialogue about the future of imprisonment bringing together practitioners, academics and prisoners alike.
“There are still so many unanswered questions about love, and I hope my book can be a humble attempt to bring these (back) into the focus of prison research and prison practice.”