Research project
NIHR Improving employment opportunities for carers
- Start date: 1 July 2011
- End date: 30 November 2013
- Funder: NIHR School for Social Care Research
- Primary investigator: Andrea Wigfield
- Co-investigators: Professor Lisa Buckner
This study collected, assessed and synthesised evidence of what works in supporting carer employment, with the aim of producing guidance suitable for use in social care England-wide.
It evaluated the services and explored the relative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different models and what works well for whom. It also considered how well different agencies co-operate, how different initiatives interlink, and the impact of new/emerging policy agendas. Case studies of recent or ongoing effective practice were undertaken in a range of localities with a track record of innovation in supporting carer employment.
The study included: scoping interviews with experts; a mapping exercise of services providing employment support to carers; case-studies including interviews and focus groups (with staff, groups and carers involved); a survey of recent participants; a review of monitoring and evaluative data; and secondary analysis of local labour market conditions for carers.