
Results 26 to 30 of 163 in Centre for Law and Social Justice

Man wearing red and white check shirt

The Conversation is an independent source of news analysis and informed comment written by academic experts, working with professional journalists who help share their knowledge with the world.

Man stands at the top of stairs holding a glass of champagne

The prize was awarded for Dr Cartwright’s paper "Inequity and Distrust in Legal Education: imagining the anti-racist law school”.

Carrie bradshaw

The Westminster Food and Nutrition Forum organises senior-level conferences on public policy relating to food and nutrition.

People sitting in a room listening to someone speak.

The project, Making it to the Registers: Documenting Migrant Carers’ Experiences of Registration and Fitness to Practise, will last for two years.

Dr Subhajit Basu smiling

The article was titled ‘In a world with deepfake videos and images, can we tell reality and fiction apart?’