
Results 1 to 5 of 300 in Centre for Business Law and Practice

Cartoon of Dr Brook and Dr Cseres, with graphs and charts in between them.

The School of Law’s Dr Or Brook has co-authored an article on how independent regulatory authorities set their enforcement priorities.

View of the Houses of Parliament  from opposite the bridge.

In a considerable advancement towards addressing the global challenge of sovereign debt crises, Dr Karina Patricio Ferreira Lima played a pivotal role in a recent UK parliamentary roundtable in London

A split level picture, with left: Harvard sign for the conference, and right: a smiling selfied of Professor Dutfield

In February 2024, Professor Graham Dutfield gave a paper at the Harvard conference 'Indigenous Peoples, Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property in International Law.'

An aerial shot of a shipping dock

Professor Fiona Smith gave oral evidence to the House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee for the second session of their inquiry ‘UK trade policy: food and agriculture’.

A close up image of a partially closed laptop in blues and greens against a dark background

School of Law Professor Pinar Akman’s research has informed a UK Parliamentary briefing (POSTNote) on online advertising technology and competition.