Professor Pinar Akman in live Intelligence Squared/BBC World debate: “Break up the Tech Giants”

Professor Pinar Akman, Director of the Centre for Business Law and Practice, spoke at a live debate organised by Intelligence Squared in London on 17 January 2018.
Professor Pinar Akman, Director of the Centre for Business Law and Practice, spoke at a live debate organised by Intelligence Squared in London on 17 January 2018.
The motion was “Break up the Tech Giants” with Professor Akman speaking against the motion alongside Elizabeth Linder (Conversational Century).
Rana Foroohar (Financial Times, CNN) and Luke Johnson (former chairman of Channel 4) spoke in favour of the motion in the debate, which was chaired by the BBC's Nik Gowing.
The lively debate in front of an audience of 800 people - 39% of whom had initially voted in favour of the motion - ended with 52% of the audience voting against the motion.
An edited version of the debate will be broadcast by BBC World News to a total audience of 80 million viewers around the world.