Report by Professor Jason Ralph says Brexit is causing ‘palpable decline’ in UK influence at the UN
Professor Jason Ralph has co-authored a new report which suggests that Britain’s leverage on the world stage will be weaker after Brexit.
Postgraduate researcher Declan wins prestigious article competition
One of our postgraduate researchers, Declan Sean Kenny, has won a prestigious competition run by the White Rose Brussels Office.
First 100 Years of Women in Law
A new exhibition at the School of Law celebrates the first 100 years of women in law.
Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme announced
Up to 8 scholarships are available to students from selected least developed, low and middle income Commonwealth countries.
Dr Konstantinos Stylianou quoted in Heise for his work presented at the 12th CPDP Conference
Dr Stylianou has been interviewed by one of the German speaking world’s most popular tech news newspaper, Heise Online.