SLSA win for Leeds academics
Two Leeds academics have won prizes at the Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) annual conference.
School of Law students raise over £3,000 for charity
Well done to our Law School Challenge committee, led by Alice Sleep (LawSoc’s Pro Bono Secretary), who have raised an amazing £3,355.89 for free legal advice charities.
School of Law academic co-edits journal on Brexit and the Law School
With all the uncertainty surrounding Brexit a School of Law academic, Dr Chloe Wallace, has co-edited a special edition of the Law Teacher Journal, Brexit and the Law School.
Professor Peter Whelan’s keynote lecture in Peru is published as an e-book
The e-book was published in Spanish by the Peruvian competition authority (INDECOPI).
Leeds academic researches how we can help students coming to University via a vocational route
School of Law academic, Dr Richard Peake, has published research into whether students from a vocational route are likely to fare less well in their degrees than those studying for A-levels.