Leeds selected by Parliament to offer innovative Parliamentary Studies module
The UK Parliament has today announced the 24 universities which will offer the innovative and unique Parliamentary Studies module from academic year 2019/20.
Anand Menon delivers Brexit lecture
We were delighted to welcome guest speaker Anand Menon to the University of Leeds last week to deliver a timely lecture entitled "Brexit: what happened and what happened next?"
Call for Papers - Graduate School Conference 2019
Postgraduate Researchers from across the faculty are warmly invited to present their research and attend our annual Graduate School Postgraduate Research Conference on Friday 29 March 2019.
Call for Papers: Oral histories of economic life in Africa during the neoliberal-capitalist era
Call for Papers for a planned Special Issue titled Oral histories of economic life in Africa during the neoliberal-capitalist era.
Leeds awarded £1.3 million to enhance the impact of social science research
The University has received a funding boost to help ensure its work has even more impact on people’s lives.