Dr Karina Patricio Ferreira Lima’s work on the IMF’s 2018 Stand-By Arrangement with Argentina receives significant media attention
The paper is titled “The IMF’s 2018 Stand-By Arrangement with Argentina: An Ultra Vires Act?”
Publication of Issue Two of the Leeds Student Law and Criminal Justice Review
The LSLCJR is a student-led academic journal that was developed to showcase the outstanding quality of research produced by students in the School of Law at the University of Leeds.
Dr Laura Bainbridge invited to join the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit Advisory Group
In February 2021, the Home Office announced that the West Yorkshire VRU would receive just over £3.3m of additional Government funding to continue in its efforts to tackle serious violent crime.
School of Law academic leads project which aims to improve the world’s parks and green spaces
The Parks & Green Space Research Portal promotes collaboration and shared research between academics and parks professionals worldwide.
School of Education celebrates success in LUU Partnership Awards
The School has won four Faculty-level LUU Partnership Awards, which celebrate students and staff who have enhanced the Leeds community by embodying the values of The Leeds Partnership.