
Results 196 to 200 of 300 in Centre for Business Law and Practice

Professor Pinar Akman, Director of the Centre for Business Law and Practice, spoke at the US Federal Trade Commission’s Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century.

Professor Pinar Akman

The School of Law’s Professor Pinar Akman has been named as one the University’s Women of Achievement.

Dr Paul Wragg

In a podcast for IMPRESS, the press regulator, Dr Paul Wragg, an expert in press freedom, discusses the recent high-profile privacy action brought by Sir Cliff Richard v BBC.

Dr Konstantinos Stylianou

Dr Stylianou notes that the Commission’s decision against Google Android was yet another example of the diverging approach the EU and the US are taking in antitrust.

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

Professor Pinar Akman, competition law expert was interviewed on 24 July by James Stewart for a piece in his column Common Sense in the New York Times.