‘Going beyond hawks and doves’: new paper suggests ways to enhance high stakes exam and improve fairness for candidates
Dr Matt Homer has a new paper in Medical Teacher called ‘Going beyond hawks and doves – Measuring degrees of examiner misalignment in OSCEs’.
New public showcase to explore how language research solves regional and global challenges
Faculty researchers join other researchers and professionals at public research showcase hosted by Language@Leeds.
Celebrating the International Day of Education
A look back at what has been achieved over the last year within the School of Education.
Leeds’ team wins the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Bootcamp
School of Education team wins UNESCO IESALC and ALDESD bootcamp for its design of Education for Sustainable Development curricular elements.
Ground-breaking study into the language of tweens wins large UKRI fund
School of Education Professor secures significant grant to conduct large-scale project into how language develops in young people.