
Results 1 to 5 of 156 in Faculty of Social Sciences

University of Leeds Teaching Awards 2024

Accolades earned for Faculty of Social Sciences staff as the Winners of the 2024 University of Leeds Teaching Awards are announced.

The 5 Award trophies on a table. From left to right, they are the awards for, Open Research Practices, Diverse Forms of Research Activity, Unsung Heroes, Supporting and Developing Research Teams, and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Research Practices.

Colleagues from LSSI, the School of Education and POLIS among winners and runners up at this year’s Research Culture Awards.

Police, London, City image

Latest research from University of Leeds, UCL and University of York researchers reveals that how police performance is measured is at odds with how the public think about the service.

Woman eating a burger by Brastock Images/Adobe Stock

Lecturer at the School of Law Dr Clare Patton is lead author of a WHO/Europe report on the commercial determinants of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).

Image from zine publication showing two illustrated eyes with the captions 'I'm allowed to rest', 'I love myself', 'I dismantle the systems that disable me' and 'I am worthy'

A zine published by the University of Leeds captures the imaginings and creativities of young disabled individuals, as they envision what an accessible and inclusive society would look like.