The Situation of Inclusive Education in Europe

Dr Gauthier de Beco was invited to deliver a presentation on ‘The Situation of Inclusive Education in Europe’ at the Opening Plenary of the conference ‘Europe in Action 2016’.
The conference took place from 26-28 May 2016, in Lisbon, Portugal, and was organised jointly by Inclusion Europe and FENACERCI. The theme for the 2016 conference was ‘Family Action in Inclusive Education: Kick-off for independence’.
Each year, since 2001, the conference mobilizes more than 200 people, including professionals, families and people with intellectual disabilities. These people find here, a common platform for discussion, the sharing of knowledge and experiences, and a space that generates common positions and taken consensual positions.
“The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities says that everybody has the right to education. This right is for people of all ages, young and old. It is also for people with all levels of disability. We will talk about what families and self-advocates can do to make this right a reality.”