School of Law student awarded Laidlaw Scholarship
The Laidlaw Leadership and Research Programme aims to develop a new generation of leaders.
School of Law researcher celebrated in second World Changers Essay Collection
Associate Professor Rachael O’Connor discusses the importance of building micro-communities within larger institutions and explains her own approaches to doing so.
Women Breaking Barriers win Leeds Partnership Award
The annual Leeds Partnership Awards celebrate the achievements of staff, students and postgraduate researchers who go above and beyond to make the Leeds learning experience so exceptional.
School of Law hosts Leeds Financial and FinTech Law Conference 2023
The conference was hosted by the Centre for Business Law and Practice (CBLP) and co-organised with the Singapore Management University's Centre for AI and Data Governance (CAIDG).
School of Law students share their experiences of volunteering whilst studying at the University of Leeds
Find out how School of Law students are playing an active part in the community by volunteering, while gaining valuable skills and experience.