Dr Steve Montagu-Cairns wins 2023 University of Leeds Teaching Award
The awards celebrate excellent practice in student education, as well as the work and innovation of colleagues to deliver high-quality teaching and learning at Leeds.
School of Law hosts inaugural conference of the Legal Educational Games: Evaluation, Network, Dissemination (LEGEND) network
The conference brought together researchers, educators, game developers and practitioners from the legal and educational sectors to explore the potential of educational games in the field of law.
Dr Chris Dietz interviewed for New Books Network Podcast ‘New Books in Law’
The New Books Network is a consortium of author-interview podcast channels dedicated to public education.
Professor Rita de la Feria has been appointed to the advisory panel of the Office for Budget Responsibility
The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) provides independent analysis of the UK’s public finances.
Professor Jen Hendry co-authors new book “Civil Recovery of Criminal Property”
The book is the first empirically informed investigation of civil recovery in the jurisdictions of Ireland, England and Wales.