Dr Konstantinos Stylianou appears on Marketwatch to discuss net neutrality
Federal net neutrality regulations were controversially abolished in the United States in December 2017, sparking fears that the open Internet as we know it is under threat.
School of Law staff contribute to Shanghai conference on disability and employment
The School of Law's Professor Anna Lawson and recent appointments Professor Gerard Quinn and Stephen Hallett have contributed to a recent conference on Disability and Employment, held in Shanghai.
Stephen Hallett appointed as Project Manager for new East Asia Disability Rights Project
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Stephen Hallett as Project Manager of our new East Asia disability rights project, U-LEAD Rights Forum.
School of Law and Centre for Disability Studies announce launch of new East Asia disability rights project
The School of Law and the Centre for Disability Studies are delighted to announce the launch of the U-LEAD Rights Forum 2018 – 2021.
Leeds Law Professor is a major contributor to the latest review of anti-terrorism legislation
Professor Emeritus Clive Walker has been appointed as Senior Adviser to The Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation (IRTL) by the Home Office, which is currently held by Max Hill QC.