Professor Adam Crawford delivers opening plenary at international conference
Professor Adam Crawford was invited to give the opening plenary address at the recent international conference on ‘Security, Democracy & Cities: Coproducing Urban Security Policies’ in Barcelona.
Lord Colin Low receives honorary Doctor of Laws degree
Earlier this year Lord Colin Low of Dalston was awarded the degree of Doctors of Laws, honoris causa, on behalf of the University of Leeds.
Professor Subedi invited to launch a new human rights research network in the Netherlands
Professor and Barrister Surya P Subedi OBE, QC, has been invited to launch a new Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research at the Asser Institute in The Hague, by eight leading Dutch universities.
Professor Rita de la Feria discusses the leaked Paradise Papers on BBC 5 Live
Professor Rita de la Feria, Professor of Tax Law, has spoken to BBC Radio 5 live about the questions which have arisen following the leaked Paradise Papers.
American Bar Association Antitrust International Scholar-in-Residence
In this prestigious role, Magali Eben, a PhD student at the School of Law, will conduct research in the US and will receive a $10,000 scholarship.