Dr Subhajit Basu delivers lecture as an invited speaker at the "Artificial Intelligence Conference"

Dr. Subhajit Basu was an invited speaker at the "eCrime and Artificial Intelligence Conference" on 5th July.
In order to make automation effective, feeding a vast amount of data is necessary. How do you ensure that this data is used in a secure way and for the right purposes?
The title of Dr. Basu's lecture was, “Mallet against the machine: Regulating the AI landscape”. He focused on data protection issues. Dr. Basu argued that GDPR is a step in the right direction, it is not anti-innovation as some people are claiming. However, he argues that the respect for the laws should be embedded in AI technologies when they are designed by developers. AI needs to be lawful by design. He said "I don’t see AI being a threat to privacy if we are bit more careful. We shouldn’t really be asking "What legislation do we need to make sure there is never another Cambridge Analytica? Rather, we should be asking, "What privacy protections are missing, and how can we fill that gap? We need to be both creative and sensible".