Professor Pinar Akman, Professor Peter Whelan and Magali Eben present their research in New York City

Professors Akman and Whelan and Ms Eben delivered presentations at the 13th Annual Conference of the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA) at New York University.
Professor Akman participated in a pre-conference panel that examined how to write a high quality academic article. Professor Akman also presented a paper entitled ‘Commercial Agency in the Digital Era: The Legal Characterisation of Online Platforms under Competition Law’. Professor Akman’s paper forms part of her ongoing stream of research which focuses on digital markets and competition. Prof Akman will focus full-time on this research when she takes up her Philip Leverhulme Prize in Law in September 2018.
Professor Whelan delivered a paper entitled ‘Parental Liability in EU Competition Law: An Examination of its Deterrence-Based Justification’. That paper drew upon research conducted for Professor’s forthcoming monograph with Oxford University Press: Parental Liability in EU Competition Law.
Ms Eben (a PhD student at the School of Law) presented a paper entitled ‘Market Definition and the Mystery of the Candidate Market: The Quest to Find the Focal “Product”’. Ms Eben’s paper draws from her ongoing research for her PhD.
John Gannon (a PhD student from the School of Law) also attended the conference.
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