
Results 571 to 575 of 993 in School of Law

Dr Chloe Wallace

With all the uncertainty surrounding Brexit a School of Law academic, Dr Chloe Wallace, has co-edited a special edition of the Law Teacher Journal, Brexit and the Law School.

Peter Whelan on stage delivering his keynote in Peru

The e-book was published in Spanish by the Peruvian competition authority (INDECOPI).

Dr Richard Peake

School of Law academic, Dr Richard Peake, has published research into whether students from a vocational route are likely to fare less well in their degrees than those studying for A-levels.

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

Alumna Korina Yiallourou is due to have an article published in the EC Tax Review.

People in a meeting

Professor Andrew Francis has delivered a presentation to Leeds City Council drawing on the Millennial Lawyers research project conducted with Lydia Bleasdale.