Study Abroad Spotlight: Louis Hempsall's exchange experience in Canada

LLB Law student embraces cultural competence and academic challenges at Western Law in Ontario, Canada.

Louis Hempsall, Law LLB student at the University of LeedsSchool of Law, shares his journey as he navigates his studies and life abroad in Canada.

Louis’s decision to pursue a degree in law was driven by a deep-seated passion for English Literature during his GCSE and A-Level years. The skills he developed through his literature studies seamlessly translated into his legal education, making law a natural choice. As he explains,

I found particular interest in critical thinking and being analytical, which I believed would be similarly applicable while studying law.

Reflecting on his motivation to join the University of Leeds’ School of Law, Louis remarks,

I knew with this reputation came a high standard of legal education, including many opportunities which I may not have otherwise received.

Louis's aspiration to study abroad was fuelled by a desire to gain a global perspective and cultural competence that would enrich his educational experience. He says,

I wanted to study abroad because of the unique opportunity of being able to travel the world and becoming more culturally competent. I also knew that studying abroad could provide me with an alternative perspective as to how the law works within different jurisdictions, allowing for an interesting area of comparison for my third-year dissertation project.

Studying at Western Law in London, Ontario, Canada, has been filed with positive experiences for Louis. He highlights the welcoming community and the friends he has made through the exchange buddy scheme and weekly socials. Louis has particularly enjoyed courses such as Conflicts of Law and Sports Law, which expanded his legal knowledge.

Picture of an american football pitch.

Outside the classroom, Louis has also enjoyed immersing himself in Canadian culture, sharing,

I have greatly enjoyed being introduced to Canadian culture and what the ‘Great White North’ has to offer. A particular highlight of mine was visiting the Canadian Rockies and skiing in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, with both being incredibly eye-opening and allowed me to make some unbelievable memories.


Snowy mountain in Canada during a sunny day.


As with any other study abroad experience, there have been some challenges. Adapting to Juris Doctor level courses at Western Law posed a significant challenge for Louis, given the typical age and educational background of North American law students. Despite the demanding coursework, however, he has appreciated the opportunity to learn from passionate peers and believes it has prepared him well for his final year at Leeds.

Balancing his workload in Canada with opportunities back in the UK was another hurdle. However, with the support of the Employability and Placement team at the School of Law, Louis successfully navigated these challenges and even earned the Middle Temple’s Access to the Bar Award.

Additionally, during a two-week externship in January, Louis shadowed legal practitioners in London, Ontario. This experience taught him the importance of civility in court proceedings and offered invaluable insights from participating in moot competitions, aiding his goal of becoming a barrister.

Louis is confident that studying abroad has enhanced his career prospects, noting,

Overall, I am so glad I chose to study abroad. I believe it will benefit my future career because it encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone, work on my own initiative, while becoming a more confident person in the process. It has also allowed me to become comfortable understanding the law within a foreign jurisdiction, providing me with several areas for future career options.

Student Louis Hempsall stands in front of the Niagara Falls, he is smiling


To fellow law students considering studying abroad, Louis advises starting research early and weighing all factors. He encourages taking advantage of initiatives offered by Leeds that could support their study abroad experience, such as the intercultural ambassador roles and scholarships, to enrich their experience.

Louis’s journey from the University of Leeds to Western Law in Canada exemplifies the transformative power of studying abroad. His experiences, while both challenging and rewarding, have not only broadened his academic knowledge but also shaped him into a more confident and culturally aware individual.

If you are interested in studying abroad please click here or contact Dr Virág Blazsek, School of Law Study Abroad Coordinator ( or the Study Abroad Office (